f7 is a spreadsheet formula execution library
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name: src/main/js/formulas/engineering/BIN2DEC.ts
 1import { NumException } from "../../errors/NumException";
 2import { ValueException } from "../../errors/ValueException";
 3import { SheetColumnRowKey } from "../../models/common/SheetColumnRowKey";
 4import { Complex } from "../../models/common/Types";
 5import { Converters } from "../../utils/Converters";
 6import { AbstractFormula } from "../AbstractFormula";
 7import { FormulaName } from "../FormulaName";
 9export class BIN2DEC extends AbstractFormula {
10  static SELF: BIN2DEC = new BIN2DEC();
11  NAME = FormulaName.BIN2DEC;
13  internal(origin: SheetColumnRowKey, ...values: Array<Complex>) {
14    AbstractFormula.checkLength(values.length, 1, this.NAME);
15    const first = Converters.first(this.collateralLookup(origin, values[0]));
16    if (typeof first === "boolean") {
17      throw new ValueException(
18        `Function BIN2DEC parameter 1 expects text values. But '${first}' is a boolean and cannot be coerced to a text.`
19      );
20    }
21    const n = Converters.toText(first);
22    if (!/^[01]{1,10}$/.test(n)) {
23      throw new NumException(`Input for BIN2DEC ('${n}') is not a valid binary representation.`);
24    }
25    if (n.length === 10 && n.substring(0, 1) === "1") {
26      return parseInt(n.substring(1), 2) - 512;
27    }
28    return parseInt(n, 2);
29  }