f7 is a spreadsheet formula execution library
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name: src/test/js/formulas/math/RANDBETWEENTest.ts
 1import { assert } from "chai";
 2import { it, describe } from "../../testutils/TestUtils";
 3import { F7ExceptionName } from "../../../../main/js/errors/F7ExceptionName";
 4import { NAException } from "../../../../main/js/errors/NAException";
 5import { RANDBETWEEN } from "../../../../main/js/formulas/math/RANDBETWEEN";
 6import { Converters } from "../../../../main/js/utils/Converters";
 8describe("RANDBETWEEN", function () {
 9  it("should return random number between X and Y", function () {
10    for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
11      const result = Converters.castAsNumber(RANDBETWEEN.SELF.run(null, 1, 10));
12      assert.isAtLeast(result, 1);
13      assert.isAtMost(result, 10);
14    }
15  });
17  it("should return an error when the low is greater than the high", function () {
18    assert.deepEqual((RANDBETWEEN.SELF.run(null, 10, 1) as NAException).name, F7ExceptionName.NUM);
19  });
21  it("should return error when argument lengths are wrong", function () {
22    assert.deepEqual((RANDBETWEEN.SELF.run(null) as NAException).name, F7ExceptionName.NA);
23    assert.deepEqual(
24      (RANDBETWEEN.SELF.run(null, "A", "B", "C") as NAException).name,
25      F7ExceptionName.NA
26    );
27  });