git static host repo -- generates static html for repos
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← Commit log
File name and commit element overflow, adding eg repos and extensions
Ben Vogt <[email protected]>
2023-04-05 02:53:37
4 file(s) changed, 58 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
  1diff --git a/ b/
  2index 88e49b4..9ba8a9b 100644
  3--- a/
  4+++ b/
  5@@ -8,4 +8,3 @@ Tasks to do:
  7 * Better styles for index page.
  8 * Name for main index page.
  9-* Fix file name and commit table cell css overflow.
 10\ No newline at end of file
 11diff --git a/gshr.css b/gshr.css
 12index 2ea68c3..1e0f032 100644
 13--- a/gshr.css
 14+++ b/gshr.css
 15@@ -274,6 +274,9 @@ div.content * td {
 16   padding: 0 0.4em;
 17   max-width: 380px;
 18   vertical-align: top;
 19+  overflow: hidden;
 20+  white-space: nowrap;
 21+  text-overflow: ellipsis;
 22 }
 24 .chroma {
 25diff --git a/gshr.toml b/gshr.toml
 26index 22076ca..53047b7 100644
 27--- a/gshr.toml
 28+++ b/gshr.toml
 29@@ -11,3 +11,9 @@ name = "www"
 30 description = "static site for"
 31 path = "/Users/bvogt/dev/src/ben/www"
 32 git_url = "[email protected]:vogtb/www.git"
 35+name = "f7"
 36+description = "F7 is the spreadsheet formula execution library"
 37+path = "/Users/bvogt/dev/src/ben/f7"
 38+git_url = "[email protected]:vogtb/f7.git"
 39diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
 40index 2cf2e31..674d2bd 100644
 41--- a/main.go
 42+++ b/main.go
 43@@ -140,47 +140,55 @@ type Settings struct {
 44 func DefaultSettings() Settings {
 45 	return Settings{
 46 		TextExtensions: map[string]bool{
 47-			".c":          true,
 48-			".cc":         true,
 49-			".conf":       true,
 50-			".config":     true,
 51-			".cpp":        true,
 52-			".cs":         true,
 53-			".css":        true,
 54-			".csv":        true,
 55-			".Dockerfile": true,
 56-			".gitignore":  true,
 57-			".gitmodules": true,
 58-			".go":         true,
 59-			".h":          true,
 60-			".htm":        true,
 61-			".html":       true,
 62-			".iml":        true,
 63-			".js":         true,
 64-			".json":       true,
 65-			".jsx":        true,
 66-			".less":       true,
 67-			".lock":       true,
 68-			".log":        true,
 69-			".Makefile":   true,
 70-			".md":         true,
 71-			".mod":        true,
 72-			".php":        true,
 73-			".py":         true,
 74-			".rb":         true,
 75-			".rs":         true,
 76-			".scss":       true,
 77-			".sql":        true,
 78-			".sum":        true,
 79-			".svg":        true,
 80-			".toml":       true,
 81-			".ts":         true,
 82-			".tsv":        true,
 83-			".tsx":        true,
 84-			".txt":        true,
 85-			".xml":        true,
 86-			".yaml":       true,
 87-			".yml":        true,
 88+			".c":              true,
 89+			".cc":             true,
 90+			".conf":           true,
 91+			".config":         true,
 92+			".cpp":            true,
 93+			".cs":             true,
 94+			".css":            true,
 95+			".csv":            true,
 96+			".Dockerfile":     true,
 97+			".dot":            true,
 98+			".eslintignore":   true,
 99+			".eslintrc":       true,
100+			".g4":             true,
101+			".gitignore":      true,
102+			".gitmodules":     true,
103+			".go":             true,
104+			".h":              true,
105+			".htm":            true,
106+			".html":           true,
107+			".iml":            true,
108+			".interp":         true,
109+			".java":           true,
110+			".js":             true,
111+			".json":           true,
112+			".jsx":            true,
113+			".less":           true,
114+			".lock":           true,
115+			".log":            true,
116+			".Makefile":       true,
117+			".md":             true,
118+			".mod":            true,
119+			".php":            true,
120+			".prettierignore": true,
121+			".py":             true,
122+			".rb":             true,
123+			".rs":             true,
124+			".scss":           true,
125+			".sql":            true,
126+			".sum":            true,
127+			".svg":            true,
128+			".tokens":         true,
129+			".toml":           true,
130+			".ts":             true,
131+			".tsv":            true,
132+			".tsx":            true,
133+			".txt":            true,
134+			".xml":            true,
135+			".yaml":           true,
136+			".yml":            true,
137 		},
138 		PlainFiles: map[string]bool{
139 			"Dockerfile":  true,