typeScript/javascript spreadsheet parser, with formulas.
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name: dist/Cell.d.ts
  1declare const CELL_ID_ERROR = "CELL_ID_ERROR";
  3 * Represents a cell id error, and is thrown when a cells id does not conform to A1 notation.
  4 */
  5declare class CellIdError extends Error {
  6    constructor(msg: string);
  9 * Cell represents a cell in the spreadsheet. It contains a nullable rawFormulaText, and a value, which is not nullable unless
 10 * the parsing of the rawFormulaText results in an error.
 11 */
 12declare class Cell {
 13    /**
 14     * The raw formula text that can be parse, excluding the proceeding =
 15     * E.g: SUM(A2:A4, 10)
 16     */
 17    private rawFormulaText;
 18    private typedValue;
 19    private dependencies;
 20    private error;
 21    private id;
 22    private row;
 23    private col;
 24    /**
 25     * Creates an empty cell with an id.
 26     * @param id key of the cell in A1-format.
 27     */
 28    constructor(id: string);
 29    /**
 30     * Update this cell's dependencies, where `dependencies` is a unique list of A1-format cell IDs.
 31     * @param dependencies to merge with existing dependencies.
 32     */
 33    updateDependencies(dependencies: Array<string>): void;
 34    /**
 35     * Return a list of dependencies in A1-format cell IDs, in no particular order, but likely in order of occurrence in
 36     * rawFormulaText.
 37     * @returns {Array<string>} list of dependencies in A1-format
 38     */
 39    getDependencies(): Array<string>;
 40    /**
 41     * Return the zero-indexed column number of this cell.
 42     * @returns {number} column
 43     */
 44    getColumn(): number;
 45    /**
 46     * Return the zero-indexed row number of this cell.
 47     * @returns {number} row
 48     */
 49    getRow(): number;
 50    /**
 51     * Get the A1-format ID of this cell.
 52     * @returns {string} cell ID
 53     */
 54    getId(): string;
 55    /**
 56     * Get the rawFormulaText of this cell if set. Defaults to null, so should be used in combination with hasFormula().
 57     * @returns {string} rawFormulaText of this cell, if set. Nullable.
 58     */
 59    getFormula(): string;
 60    /**
 61     * Returns true if this cell has a formula to be parsed.
 62     * @returns {boolean}
 63     */
 64    hasFormula(): boolean;
 65    /**
 66     * Sets the value or rawFormulaText for this cell. If the input begins with =, then it is considered to be a rawFormulaText. If it
 67     * is not, then it is a value, and set as the raw value for this cell.
 68     * @param rawFormula
 69     */
 70    setValue(rawFormula: string): void;
 71    /**
 72     * Gets the rawFormulaText for this cell, which is either null or a string.
 73     * @returns {string}
 74     */
 75    getRawFormulaText(): string | null;
 76    /**
 77     * Get the value of this cell if a value is present. If this cell was given a formula but not a value, this may return
 78     * null.
 79     * @returns {any}
 80     */
 81    getValue(): any;
 82    /**
 83     * CLears a cells value.
 84     */
 85    clearValue(): void;
 86    /**
 87     * Set error for this cell. Usually in the case of a parse error when parsing the rawFormulaText.
 88     * @param error to set.
 89     */
 90    setError(error: Error): void;
 91    /**
 92     * Get the error for this cell. If the rawFormulaText is not parsed properly, or is null, this could be null.
 93     * @returns {Error} error to return, could be null.
 94     */
 95    getError(): Error;
 96    /**
 97     * Easier way to check if this cell has an error.
 98     * @returns {boolean}
 99     */
100    hasError(): boolean;
101    /**
102     * A cell is deemed blank if it contains no value, no error, and no typed value.
103     * @returns {boolean}
104     */
105    isBlank(): boolean;
106    /**
107     * Returns the human-readable string representation of this cell, omitting some obvious fields.
108     * @returns {string}
109     */
110    toString(): string;
111    /**
112     * Comparing two cells.
113     * @param other
114     * @returns {boolean}
115     */
116    equals(other: Cell): boolean;
117    /**
118     * Build a cell with an id and value.
119     * @param id - A1-notation id or key.
120     * @param value - value of the cell as a string
121     * @returns {Cell}
122     * @constructor
123     */
124    static BuildFrom(id: string, value: any): Cell;
126export { Cell, CellIdError, CELL_ID_ERROR };