typeScript/javascript spreadsheet parser, with formulas.
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name: dist/Formulas/Engineering.d.ts
 2 * Converts a signed binary number to decimal format.
 3 * @param signedBinaryNumber - The signed 10-bit binary value to be converted to decimal, provided as a
 4 * string. The most significant bit of signed_binary_number is the sign bit; that is, negative numbers are represented
 5 * in two's complement format.
 6 * @returns {number}
 7 * @constructor
 8 */
 9declare let BIN2DEC: (signedBinaryNumber: any) => number;
11 * Converts a signed binary number to signed hexadecimal format.
12 * @param signedBinaryNumber - The signed 10-bit binary value to be converted to signed hexadecimal,
13 * provided as a string. The most significant bit of signed_binary_number is the sign bit; that is, negative numbers are
14 * represented in two's complement format.
15 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] - The number of significant digits to ensure in the result.
16 * @returns {string} string representation of a signed hexadecimal
17 * @constructor
18 */
19declare let BIN2HEX: (signedBinaryNumber: any, significantDigits?: any) => string;
21 * Converts a signed binary number to signed octal format.
22 * @param signedBinaryNumber - The signed 10-bit binary value to be converted to signed octal, provided as a
23 * string. The most significant bit of signed_binary_number is the sign bit; that is, negative numbers are represented
24 * in two's complement format.
25 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] - The number of significant digits to ensure in the result. If
26 * this is greater than the number of significant digits in the result, the result is left-padded with zeros until the
27 * total number of digits reaches significant_digits.
28 * @returns {string} number in octal format
29 * @constructor
30 */
31declare let BIN2OCT: (signedBinaryNumber: any, significantDigits?: any) => string;
33 * Converts a decimal number to signed octal format.
34 * @param decimalDumber - The decimal value to be converted to signed octal,provided as a string. For this
35 * function, this value has a maximum of 536870911 if positive, and a minimum of -53687092 if negative.
36 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] The number of significant digits to ensure in the result. If this
37 * is greater than the number of significant digits in the result, the result is left-padded with zeros until the total
38 * number of digits reaches significant_digits.
39 * @returns {string} octal string representation of the decimal number
40 * @constructor
41 */
42declare let DEC2OCT: (decimalDumber: any, significantDigits?: any) => string;
44 * Converts a decimal number to signed hexadecimal format.
45 * @param decimalDumber - The decimal value to be converted to signed hexadecimal, provided as a string. This
46 * value has a maximum of 549755813887 if positive, and a minimum of -549755814888 if negative.
47 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] - The number of significant digits to ensure in the result. If
48 * this is greater than the number of significant digits in the result, the result is left-padded with zeros until the
49 * total number of digits reaches significant_digits. This value is ignored if decimal_number is negative.
50 * @returns {string} hexadecimal string representation of the decimal number
51 * @constructor
52 */
53declare let DEC2HEX: (decimalDumber: any, significantDigits?: any) => string;
55 * Converts a decimal number to signed binary format.
56 * @param decimalDumber - The decimal value to be converted to signed binary, provided as a string. For this
57 * function, this value has a maximum of 511 if positive, and a minimum of -512 if negative.
58 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] The number of significant digits to ensure in the result. If this
59 * is greater than the number of significant digits in the result, the result is left-padded with zeros until the total
60 * number of digits reaches significant_digits.
61 * @returns {string} signed binary string representation of the input decimal number.
62 * @constructor
63 */
64declare let DEC2BIN: (decimalDumber: any, significantDigits?: any) => string;
66 * Compare two numeric values, returning 1 if they're equal.
67 * @param one - The first number to compare.
68 * @param two - The second number to compare.
69 * @returns {number} 1 if they're equal, 0 if they're not equal.
70 * @constructor
71 */
72declare let DELTA: (one: any, two?: any) => number;