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name: dist/Formulas/Engineering.js
  1"use strict";
  2exports.__esModule = true;
  3var ArgsChecker_1 = require("../Utilities/ArgsChecker");
  4var TypeConverter_1 = require("../Utilities/TypeConverter");
  5var Errors_1 = require("../Errors");
  7 * Converts a signed binary number to decimal format.
  8 * @param signedBinaryNumber - The signed 10-bit binary value to be converted to decimal, provided as a
  9 * string. The most significant bit of signed_binary_number is the sign bit; that is, negative numbers are represented
 10 * in two's complement format.
 11 * @returns {number}
 12 * @constructor
 13 */
 14var BIN2DEC = function (signedBinaryNumber) {
 15    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "BIN2DEC");
 16    if (typeof TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValue(signedBinaryNumber) === "boolean") {
 17        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Function BIN2DEC parameter 1 expects text values. But '" + signedBinaryNumber + "' is a boolean and cannot be coerced to a text.");
 18    }
 19    var n = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(signedBinaryNumber);
 20    if (!(/^[01]{1,10}$/).test(n)) {
 21        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Input for BIN2DEC ('" + n + "') is not a valid binary representation.");
 22    }
 23    if (n.length === 10 && n.substring(0, 1) === '1') {
 24        return parseInt(n.substring(1), 2) - 512;
 25    }
 26    return parseInt(n, 2);
 28exports.BIN2DEC = BIN2DEC;
 30 * Converts a signed binary number to signed hexadecimal format.
 31 * @param signedBinaryNumber - The signed 10-bit binary value to be converted to signed hexadecimal,
 32 * provided as a string. The most significant bit of signed_binary_number is the sign bit; that is, negative numbers are
 33 * represented in two's complement format.
 34 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] - The number of significant digits to ensure in the result.
 35 * @returns {string} string representation of a signed hexadecimal
 36 * @constructor
 37 */
 38var BIN2HEX = function (signedBinaryNumber, significantDigits) {
 39    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "BIN2HEX");
 40    if (typeof TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValue(signedBinaryNumber) === "boolean") {
 41        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Function BIN2HEX parameter 1 expects text values. But '" + signedBinaryNumber + "' is a boolean and cannot be coerced to a text.");
 42    }
 43    var n = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(signedBinaryNumber);
 44    var p = 10;
 45    if (significantDigits !== undefined) {
 46        p = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(significantDigits);
 47    }
 48    if (!(/^[01]{1,10}$/).test(n)) {
 49        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Input for BIN2HEX ('" + n + "') is not a valid binary representation.");
 50    }
 51    if (n.length === 10 && n.substring(0, 1) === '1') {
 52        return (1099511627264 + parseInt(n.substring(1), 2)).toString(16).toUpperCase();
 53    }
 54    if (p < 1 || p > 10) {
 55        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function BIN2HEX parameter 2 value is " + p + ". Valid values are between 1 and 10 inclusive.");
 56    }
 57    p = Math.floor(p);
 58    // Convert decimal number to hexadecimal
 59    var result = parseInt(n.toString(), 2).toString(16).toUpperCase();
 60    if (p === 10) {
 61        return result;
 62    }
 63    var str = "";
 64    for (var i = 0; i < p - result.length; i++) {
 65        str += "0";
 66    }
 67    return str + result;
 69exports.BIN2HEX = BIN2HEX;
 71 * Converts a signed binary number to signed octal format.
 72 * @param signedBinaryNumber - The signed 10-bit binary value to be converted to signed octal, provided as a
 73 * string. The most significant bit of signed_binary_number is the sign bit; that is, negative numbers are represented
 74 * in two's complement format.
 75 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] - The number of significant digits to ensure in the result. If
 76 * this is greater than the number of significant digits in the result, the result is left-padded with zeros until the
 77 * total number of digits reaches significant_digits.
 78 * @returns {string} number in octal format
 79 * @constructor
 80 */
 81var BIN2OCT = function (signedBinaryNumber, significantDigits) {
 82    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "BIN2OCT");
 83    if (typeof TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValue(signedBinaryNumber) === "boolean") {
 84        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Function BIN2OCT parameter 1 expects text values. But '" + signedBinaryNumber + "' is a boolean and cannot be coerced to a text.");
 85    }
 86    var n = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(signedBinaryNumber);
 87    var p = 10;
 88    if (significantDigits !== undefined) {
 89        p = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(significantDigits);
 90    }
 91    if (!(/^[01]{1,10}$/).test(n)) {
 92        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Input for BIN2OCT ('" + n + "') is not a valid binary representation.");
 93    }
 94    if (n.length === 10 && n.substring(0, 1) === '1') {
 95        return (1073741312 + parseInt(n.substring(1), 2)).toString(8);
 96    }
 97    if (p < 1 || p > 10) {
 98        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function BIN2OCT parameter 2 value is " + p + ". Valid values are between 1 and 10 inclusive.");
 99    }
100    p = Math.floor(p);
101    var result = parseInt(n.toString(), 2).toString(8);
102    if (p === 10) {
103        return result;
104    }
105    if (p >= result.length) {
106        var str = "";
107        for (var i = 0; i < p - result.length - 1; i++) {
108            str += "0";
109        }
110        return str + result;
111    }
113exports.BIN2OCT = BIN2OCT;
115 * Converts a decimal number to signed octal format.
116 * @param decimalDumber - The decimal value to be converted to signed octal,provided as a string. For this
117 * function, this value has a maximum of 536870911 if positive, and a minimum of -53687092 if negative.
118 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] The number of significant digits to ensure in the result. If this
119 * is greater than the number of significant digits in the result, the result is left-padded with zeros until the total
120 * number of digits reaches significant_digits.
121 * @returns {string} octal string representation of the decimal number
122 * @constructor
123 */
124var DEC2OCT = function (decimalDumber, significantDigits) {
125    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "DEC2OCT");
126    var n = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(decimalDumber);
127    if (n < 0) {
128        n = Math.ceil(n);
129    }
130    if (n > 0) {
131        n = Math.floor(n);
132    }
133    var p = 10;
134    var placesPresent = false;
135    if (significantDigits !== undefined) {
136        p = Math.floor(TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(significantDigits));
137        placesPresent = true;
138    }
139    if (n < -53687092 || n > 536870911) {
140        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function DEC2OCT parameter 1 value is " + n + ". Valid values are between -53687092 and 536870911 inclusive.");
141    }
142    if (p < 1 || p > 10) {
143        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function DEC2OCT parameter 2 value is " + p + ". Valid values are between 1 and 10 inclusive.");
144    }
145    if (n < 0) {
146        return (1073741824 + n).toString(8).toUpperCase();
147    }
148    // Convert decimal number to hexadecimal
149    var result = parseInt(n.toString(), 10).toString(8).toUpperCase();
150    if (!placesPresent) {
151        return result;
152    }
153    var str = "";
154    for (var i = 0; i < p - result.length; i++) {
155        str += "0";
156    }
157    return str + result.toUpperCase();
159exports.DEC2OCT = DEC2OCT;
161 * Converts a decimal number to signed hexadecimal format.
162 * @param decimalDumber - The decimal value to be converted to signed hexadecimal, provided as a string. This
163 * value has a maximum of 549755813887 if positive, and a minimum of -549755814888 if negative.
164 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] - The number of significant digits to ensure in the result. If
165 * this is greater than the number of significant digits in the result, the result is left-padded with zeros until the
166 * total number of digits reaches significant_digits. This value is ignored if decimal_number is negative.
167 * @returns {string} hexadecimal string representation of the decimal number
168 * @constructor
169 */
170var DEC2HEX = function (decimalDumber, significantDigits) {
171    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "DEC2HEX");
172    var n = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(decimalDumber);
173    if (n < 0) {
174        n = Math.ceil(n);
175    }
176    if (n > 0) {
177        n = Math.floor(n);
178    }
179    var p = 10;
180    var placesPresent = false;
181    if (significantDigits !== undefined) {
182        p = Math.floor(TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(significantDigits));
183        placesPresent = true;
184    }
185    if (n < -549755813888 || n > 549755813887) {
186        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function DEC2HEX parameter 1 value is " + n + ". Valid values are between -549755813888 and 549755813887 inclusive.");
187    }
188    if (p < 1 || p > 10) {
189        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function DEC2HEX parameter 2 value is " + p + ". Valid values are between 1 and 10 inclusive.");
190    }
191    // Ignore places and return a 10-character hexadecimal number if number is negative
192    if (n < 0) {
193        return (1099511627776 + n).toString(16).toUpperCase();
194    }
195    // Convert decimal number to hexadecimal
196    var result = parseInt(n.toString(), 10).toString(16).toUpperCase();
197    if (!placesPresent) {
198        return result;
199    }
200    var str = "";
201    for (var i = 0; i < p - result.length; i++) {
202        str += "0";
203    }
204    return str + result;
206exports.DEC2HEX = DEC2HEX;
208 * Converts a decimal number to signed binary format.
209 * @param decimalDumber - The decimal value to be converted to signed binary, provided as a string. For this
210 * function, this value has a maximum of 511 if positive, and a minimum of -512 if negative.
211 * @param significantDigits - [ OPTIONAL ] The number of significant digits to ensure in the result. If this
212 * is greater than the number of significant digits in the result, the result is left-padded with zeros until the total
213 * number of digits reaches significant_digits.
214 * @returns {string} signed binary string representation of the input decimal number.
215 * @constructor
216 */
217var DEC2BIN = function (decimalDumber, significantDigits) {
218    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "DEC2BIN");
219    var n = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(decimalDumber);
220    if (n < 0) {
221        n = Math.ceil(n);
222    }
223    if (n > 0) {
224        n = Math.floor(n);
225    }
226    if (n === 0 || n === 1) {
227        return n.toString();
228    }
229    var p = 10;
230    var placesPresent = false;
231    if (significantDigits !== undefined) {
232        p = Math.floor(TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(significantDigits));
233        placesPresent = true;
234    }
235    if (n < -512 || n > 511) {
236        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function DEC2BIN parameter 1 value is " + n + ". Valid values are between -512 and 511 inclusive.");
237    }
238    if (p < 1 || p > 10) {
239        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function DEC2BIN parameter 2 value is " + p + ". Valid values are between 1 and 10 inclusive.");
240    }
241    // Ignore places and return a 10-character binary number if number is negative
242    if (n < 0) {
243        var count = (9 - (512 + n).toString(2).length);
244        var st = "";
245        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
246            st += "0";
247        }
248        return "1" + st + (512 + n).toString(2);
249    }
250    // Convert decimal number to binary
251    var result = parseInt(n.toString(), 10).toString(2);
252    // Pad return value with leading 0s (zeros) if necessary
253    if (p >= result.length) {
254        var str = "";
255        for (var i = 0; i < (p - result.length); i++) {
256            str += "0";
257        }
258        var workingString = str + result;
259        if (!placesPresent) {
260            var returnString = "";
261            for (var i = 0; i < workingString.length; i++) {
262                var char = workingString[i];
263                if (char === "1") {
264                    break;
265                }
266                returnString = workingString.slice(i + 1);
267            }
268            return returnString;
269        }
270        return workingString;
271    }
273exports.DEC2BIN = DEC2BIN;
275 * Compare two numeric values, returning 1 if they're equal.
276 * @param one - The first number to compare.
277 * @param two - The second number to compare.
278 * @returns {number} 1 if they're equal, 0 if they're not equal.
279 * @constructor
280 */
281var DELTA = function (one, two) {
282    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "DELTA");
283    if (two === undefined) {
284        return TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.valueToNumber(one) === 0 ? 1 : 0;
285    }
286    return TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.valueToNumber(one) === TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.valueToNumber(two) ? 1 : 0;
288exports.DELTA = DELTA;