typeScript/javascript spreadsheet parser, with formulas.
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name: dist/Formulas/Text.js
  1"use strict";
  2exports.__esModule = true;
  3var ArgsChecker_1 = require("../Utilities/ArgsChecker");
  4var TypeConverter_1 = require("../Utilities/TypeConverter");
  5var Errors_1 = require("../Errors");
  6var Filter_1 = require("../Utilities/Filter");
  7var MoreUtils_1 = require("../Utilities/MoreUtils");
  9 * Computes the value of a Roman numeral.
 10 * @param text - The Roman numeral to format, whose value must be between 1 and 3999, inclusive.
 11 * @returns {number} value in integer format
 12 * @constructor
 13 */
 14var ARABIC = function (text) {
 15    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "ARABIC");
 16    if (typeof text !== "string") {
 17        throw new Errors_1.ValueError('Invalid roman numeral in ARABIC evaluation.');
 18    }
 19    var negative = false;
 20    if (text[0] === "-") {
 21        negative = true;
 22        text = text.substr(1);
 23    }
 24    // Credits: Rafa? Kukawski
 25    if (!/^M*(?:D?C{0,3}|C[MD])(?:L?X{0,3}|X[CL])(?:V?I{0,3}|I[XV])$/.test(text)) {
 26        throw new Errors_1.ValueError('Invalid roman numeral in ARABIC evaluation.');
 27    }
 28    var r = 0;
 29    text.replace(/[MDLV]|C[MD]?|X[CL]?|I[XV]?/g, function (i) {
 30        r += { M: 1000, CM: 900, D: 500, CD: 400, C: 100, XC: 90, L: 50, XL: 40, X: 10, IX: 9, V: 5, IV: 4, I: 1 }[i];
 31    });
 32    if (negative) {
 33        return r * -1;
 34    }
 35    return r;
 37exports.ARABIC = ARABIC;
 39 * Convert a number into a character according to the current Unicode table.
 40 * @param value - The number of the character to look up from the current Unicode table in decimal format.
 41 * @returns {string} character corresponding to Unicode number
 42 * @constructor
 43 */
 44var CHAR = function (value) {
 45    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "CHAR");
 46    var n = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(value);
 47    if (n < 1 || n > 1114112) { //limit
 48        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function CHAR parameter 1 value " + n + " is out of range.");
 49    }
 50    return String.fromCharCode(n);
 52exports.CHAR = CHAR;
 54 * Returns the numeric Unicode map value of the first character in the string provided.
 55 * @param value - The string whose first character's Unicode map value will be returned.
 56 * @returns {number} number of the first character's Unicode value
 57 * @constructor
 58 */
 59var CODE = function (value) {
 60    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "CODE");
 61    var text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
 62    if (text === "") {
 63        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Function CODE parameter 1 value should be non-empty.");
 64    }
 65    return text.charCodeAt(0);
 67exports.CODE = CODE;
 69 * Divides text around a specified character or string, and puts each fragment into a separate cell in the row.
 70 * @param text - The text to divide.
 71 * @param delimiter - The character or characters to use to split text.
 72 * @param splitByEach - [optional] Whether or not to divide text around each character contained in
 73 * delimiter.
 74 * @returns {Array<string>} containing the split
 75 * @constructor
 76 * TODO: At some point this needs to return a more complex type than Array. Needs to return a type that has a dimension.
 77 */
 78var SPLIT = function (text, delimiter, splitByEach) {
 79    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 2, 3, "SPLIT");
 80    text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
 81    delimiter = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(delimiter);
 82    splitByEach = splitByEach === undefined ? false : TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsBoolean(splitByEach);
 83    if (splitByEach) {
 84        var result = [text];
 85        for (var i = 0; i < delimiter.length; i++) {
 86            var char = delimiter[i];
 87            var subResult = [];
 88            for (var x = 0; x < result.length; x++) {
 89                subResult = subResult.concat(result[x].split(char));
 90            }
 91            result = subResult;
 92        }
 93        return result.filter(function (val) {
 94            return val.trim() !== "";
 95        });
 96    }
 97    else {
 98        return text.split(delimiter);
 99    }
101exports.SPLIT = SPLIT;
103 * Appends strings to one another.
104 * @param values - to append to one another. Must contain at least one value
105 * @returns {string} concatenated string
106 * @constructor
107 */
108var CONCATENATE = function () {
109    var values = [];
110    for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
111        values[_i] = arguments[_i];
112    }
113    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkAtLeastLength(values, 1, "CONCATENATE");
114    var string = '';
115    for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
116        if (values[i] instanceof Array) {
117            if (values[i].length === 0) {
118                throw new Errors_1.RefError("Reference does not exist.");
119            }
120            string += CONCATENATE.apply(this, arguments[i]);
121        }
122        else {
123            string += TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.valueToString(values[i]);
124        }
125    }
126    return string;
130 * Converts a numeric value to a different unit of measure.
131 * @param value - the numeric value in start_unit to convert to end_unit.
132 * @param startUnit - The starting unit, the unit currently assigned to value.
133 * @param endUnit - The unit of measure into which to convert value.
134 * @returns {number}
135 * @constructor
136 * TODO: Looking up units is not efficient at all. We should use an object instead of iterating through an array.
137 */
138var CONVERT = function (value, startUnit, endUnit) {
139    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 3, "CONVERT");
140    var n = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(value);
141    var fromUnit = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(startUnit);
142    var toUnit = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(endUnit);
143    // NOTE: A lot of the code for this method is from https://github.com/sutoiku/formula.js. I'm relying on them to have
144    // gotten it right, but I'm spot checking some of their work against GS, MSE, LibreOffice, OpenOffice.
145    // List of units supported by CONVERT and units defined by the International System of Units
146    // [Name, Symbol, Alternate symbols, Quantity, ISU, CONVERT, Conversion ratio]
147    var units = [
148        ["a.u. of action", "?", null, "action", false, false, 1.05457168181818e-34],
149        ["a.u. of charge", "e", null, "electric_charge", false, false, 1.60217653141414e-19],
150        ["a.u. of energy", "Eh", null, "energy", false, false, 4.35974417757576e-18],
151        ["a.u. of length", "a?", null, "length", false, false, 5.29177210818182e-11],
152        ["a.u. of mass", "m?", null, "mass", false, false, 9.10938261616162e-31],
153        ["a.u. of time", "?/Eh", null, "time", false, false, 2.41888432650516e-17],
154        ["admiralty knot", "admkn", null, "speed", false, true, 0.514773333],
155        ["ampere", "A", null, "electric_current", true, false, 1],
156        ["ampere per meter", "A/m", null, "magnetic_field_intensity", true, false, 1],
157        ["ångström", "Å", ["ang"], "length", false, true, 1e-10],
158        ["are", "ar", null, "area", false, true, 100],
159        ["astronomical unit", "ua", null, "length", false, false, 1.49597870691667e-11],
160        ["bar", "bar", null, "pressure", false, false, 100000],
161        ["barn", "b", null, "area", false, false, 1e-28],
162        ["becquerel", "Bq", null, "radioactivity", true, false, 1],
163        ["bit", "bit", ["b"], "information", false, true, 1],
164        ["btu", "BTU", ["btu"], "energy", false, true, 1055.05585262],
165        ["byte", "byte", null, "information", false, true, 8],
166        ["candela", "cd", null, "luminous_intensity", true, false, 1],
167        ["candela per square metre", "cd/m?", null, "luminance", true, false, 1],
168        ["coulomb", "C", null, "electric_charge", true, false, 1],
169        ["cubic ångström", "ang3", ["ang^3"], "volume", false, true, 1e-30],
170        ["cubic foot", "ft3", ["ft^3"], "volume", false, true, 0.028316846592],
171        ["cubic inch", "in3", ["in^3"], "volume", false, true, 0.000016387064],
172        ["cubic light-year", "ly3", ["ly^3"], "volume", false, true, 8.46786664623715e-47],
173        ["cubic metre", "m?", null, "volume", true, true, 1],
174        ["cubic mile", "mi3", ["mi^3"], "volume", false, true, 4168181825.44058],
175        ["cubic nautical mile", "Nmi3", ["Nmi^3"], "volume", false, true, 6352182208],
176        ["cubic Pica", "Pica3", ["Picapt3", "Pica^3", "Picapt^3"], "volume", false, true, 7.58660370370369e-8],
177        ["cubic yard", "yd3", ["yd^3"], "volume", false, true, 0.764554857984],
178        ["cup", "cup", null, "volume", false, true, 0.0002365882365],
179        ["dalton", "Da", ["u"], "mass", false, false, 1.66053886282828e-27],
180        ["day", "d", ["day"], "time", false, true, 86400],
181        ["degree", "°", null, "angle", false, false, 0.0174532925199433],
182        ["degrees Rankine", "Rank", null, "temperature", false, true, 0.555555555555556],
183        ["dyne", "dyn", ["dy"], "force", false, true, 0.00001],
184        ["electronvolt", "eV", ["ev"], "energy", false, true, 1.60217656514141],
185        ["ell", "ell", null, "length", false, true, 1.143],
186        ["erg", "erg", ["e"], "energy", false, true, 1e-7],
187        ["farad", "F", null, "electric_capacitance", true, false, 1],
188        ["fluid ounce", "oz", null, "volume", false, true, 0.0000295735295625],
189        ["foot", "ft", null, "length", false, true, 0.3048],
190        ["foot-pound", "flb", null, "energy", false, true, 1.3558179483314],
191        ["gal", "Gal", null, "acceleration", false, false, 0.01],
192        ["gallon", "gal", null, "volume", false, true, 0.003785411784],
193        ["gauss", "G", ["ga"], "magnetic_flux_density", false, true, 1],
194        ["grain", "grain", null, "mass", false, true, 0.0000647989],
195        ["gram", "g", null, "mass", false, true, 0.001],
196        ["gray", "Gy", null, "absorbed_dose", true, false, 1],
197        ["gross registered ton", "GRT", ["regton"], "volume", false, true, 2.8316846592],
198        ["hectare", "ha", null, "area", false, true, 10000],
199        ["henry", "H", null, "inductance", true, false, 1],
200        ["hertz", "Hz", null, "frequency", true, false, 1],
201        ["horsepower", "HP", ["h"], "power", false, true, 745.69987158227],
202        ["horsepower-hour", "HPh", ["hh", "hph"], "energy", false, true, 2684519.538],
203        ["hour", "h", ["hr"], "time", false, true, 3600],
204        ["imperial gallon (U.K.)", "uk_gal", null, "volume", false, true, 0.00454609],
205        ["imperial hundredweight", "lcwt", ["uk_cwt", "hweight"], "mass", false, true, 50.802345],
206        ["imperial quart (U.K)", "uk_qt", null, "volume", false, true, 0.0011365225],
207        ["imperial ton", "brton", ["uk_ton", "LTON"], "mass", false, true, 1016.046909],
208        ["inch", "in", null, "length", false, true, 0.0254],
209        ["international acre", "uk_acre", null, "area", false, true, 4046.8564224],
210        ["IT calorie", "cal", null, "energy", false, true, 4.1868],
211        ["joule", "J", null, "energy", true, true, 1],
212        ["katal", "kat", null, "catalytic_activity", true, false, 1],
213        ["kelvin", "K", ["kel"], "temperature", true, true, 1],
214        ["kilogram", "kg", null, "mass", true, true, 1],
215        ["knot", "kn", null, "speed", false, true, 0.514444444444444],
216        ["light-year", "ly", null, "length", false, true, 9460730472580800],
217        ["litre", "L", ["l", "lt"], "volume", false, true, 0.001],
218        ["lumen", "lm", null, "luminous_flux", true, false, 1],
219        ["lux", "lx", null, "illuminance", true, false, 1],
220        ["maxwell", "Mx", null, "magnetic_flux", false, false, 1e-18],
221        ["measurement ton", "MTON", null, "volume", false, true, 1.13267386368],
222        ["meter per hour", "m/h", ["m/hr"], "speed", false, true, 0.00027777777777778],
223        ["meter per second", "m/s", ["m/sec"], "speed", true, true, 1],
224        ["meter per second squared", "m?s??", null, "acceleration", true, false, 1],
225        ["parsec", "pc", ["parsec"], "length", false, true, 30856775814671900],
226        ["meter squared per second", "m?/s", null, "kinematic_viscosity", true, false, 1],
227        ["metre", "m", null, "length", true, true, 1],
228        ["miles per hour", "mph", null, "speed", false, true, 0.44704],
229        ["millimetre of mercury", "mmHg", null, "pressure", false, false, 133.322],
230        ["minute", "?", null, "angle", false, false, 0.000290888208665722],
231        ["minute", "min", ["mn"], "time", false, true, 60],
232        ["modern teaspoon", "tspm", null, "volume", false, true, 0.000005],
233        ["mole", "mol", null, "amount_of_substance", true, false, 1],
234        ["morgen", "Morgen", null, "area", false, true, 2500],
235        ["n.u. of action", "?", null, "action", false, false, 1.05457168181818e-34],
236        ["n.u. of mass", "m?", null, "mass", false, false, 9.10938261616162e-31],
237        ["n.u. of speed", "c?", null, "speed", false, false, 299792458],
238        ["n.u. of time", "?/(me?c??)", null, "time", false, false, 1.28808866778687e-21],
239        ["nautical mile", "M", ["Nmi"], "length", false, true, 1852],
240        ["newton", "N", null, "force", true, true, 1],
241        ["œrsted", "Oe ", null, "magnetic_field_intensity", false, false, 79.5774715459477],
242        ["ohm", "Ω", null, "electric_resistance", true, false, 1],
243        ["ounce mass", "ozm", null, "mass", false, true, 0.028349523125],
244        ["pascal", "Pa", null, "pressure", true, false, 1],
245        ["pascal second", "Pa?s", null, "dynamic_viscosity", true, false, 1],
246        ["pferdestärke", "PS", null, "power", false, true, 735.49875],
247        ["phot", "ph", null, "illuminance", false, false, 0.0001],
248        ["pica (1/6 inch)", "pica", null, "length", false, true, 0.00035277777777778],
249        ["pica (1/72 inch)", "Pica", ["Picapt"], "length", false, true, 0.00423333333333333],
250        ["poise", "P", null, "dynamic_viscosity", false, false, 0.1],
251        ["pond", "pond", null, "force", false, true, 0.00980665],
252        ["pound force", "lbf", null, "force", false, true, 4.4482216152605],
253        ["pound mass", "lbm", null, "mass", false, true, 0.45359237],
254        ["quart", "qt", null, "volume", false, true, 0.000946352946],
255        ["radian", "rad", null, "angle", true, false, 1],
256        ["second", "?", null, "angle", false, false, 0.00000484813681109536],
257        ["second", "s", ["sec"], "time", true, true, 1],
258        ["short hundredweight", "cwt", ["shweight"], "mass", false, true, 45.359237],
259        ["siemens", "S", null, "electrical_conductance", true, false, 1],
260        ["sievert", "Sv", null, "equivalent_dose", true, false, 1],
261        ["slug", "sg", null, "mass", false, true, 14.59390294],
262        ["square ångström", "ang2", ["ang^2"], "area", false, true, 1e-20],
263        ["square foot", "ft2", ["ft^2"], "area", false, true, 0.09290304],
264        ["square inch", "in2", ["in^2"], "area", false, true, 0.00064516],
265        ["square light-year", "ly2", ["ly^2"], "area", false, true, 8.95054210748189e+31],
266        ["square meter", "m?", null, "area", true, true, 1],
267        ["square meter", "m^2", null, "area", true, true, 1],
268        ["square mile", "mi2", ["mi^2"], "area", false, true, 2589988.110336],
269        ["square nautical mile", "Nmi2", ["Nmi^2"], "area", false, true, 3429904],
270        ["square Pica", "Pica2", ["Picapt2", "Pica^2", "Picapt^2"], "area", false, true, 0.00001792111111111],
271        ["square yard", "yd2", ["yd^2"], "area", false, true, 0.83612736],
272        ["statute mile", "mi", null, "length", false, true, 1609.344],
273        ["steradian", "sr", null, "solid_angle", true, false, 1],
274        ["stilb", "sb", null, "luminance", false, false, 0.0001],
275        ["stokes", "St", null, "kinematic_viscosity", false, false, 0.0001],
276        ["stone", "stone", null, "mass", false, true, 6.35029318],
277        ["tablespoon", "tbs", null, "volume", false, true, 0.0000147868],
278        ["teaspoon", "tsp", null, "volume", false, true, 0.00000492892],
279        ["tesla", "T", null, "magnetic_flux_density", true, true, 1],
280        ["thermodynamic calorie", "c", null, "energy", false, true, 4.184],
281        ["ton", "ton", null, "mass", false, true, 907.18474],
282        ["tonne", "t", null, "mass", false, false, 1000],
283        ["U.K. pint", "uk_pt", null, "volume", false, true, 0.00056826125],
284        ["U.S. bushel", "bushel", null, "volume", false, true, 0.03523907],
285        ["U.S. oil barrel", "barrel", null, "volume", false, true, 0.158987295],
286        ["U.S. pint", "pt", ["us_pt"], "volume", false, true, 0.000473176473],
287        ["U.S. survey mile", "survey_mi", null, "length", false, true, 1609.347219],
288        ["U.S. survey/statute acre", "us_acre", null, "area", false, true, 4046.87261],
289        ["volt", "V", null, "voltage", true, false, 1],
290        ["watt", "W", null, "power", true, true, 1],
291        ["watt-hour", "Wh", ["wh"], "energy", false, true, 3600],
292        ["weber", "Wb", null, "magnetic_flux", true, false, 1],
293        ["yard", "yd", null, "length", false, true, 0.9144],
294        ["year", "yr", null, "time", false, true, 31557600]
295    ];
296    // Binary prefixes
297    // [Name, Prefix power of 2 value, Previx value, Abbreviation, Derived from]
298    var binary_prefixes = {
299        Yi: ["yobi", 80, 1208925819614629174706176, "Yi", "yotta"],
300        Zi: ["zebi", 70, 1180591620717411303424, "Zi", "zetta"],
301        Ei: ["exbi", 60, 1152921504606846976, "Ei", "exa"],
302        Pi: ["pebi", 50, 1125899906842624, "Pi", "peta"],
303        Ti: ["tebi", 40, 1099511627776, "Ti", "tera"],
304        Gi: ["gibi", 30, 1073741824, "Gi", "giga"],
305        Mi: ["mebi", 20, 1048576, "Mi", "mega"],
306        ki: ["kibi", 10, 1024, "ki", "kilo"]
307    };
308    // Unit prefixes
309    // [Name, Multiplier, Abbreviation]
310    var unit_prefixes = {
311        Y: ["yotta", 1e+24, "Y"],
312        Z: ["zetta", 1e+21, "Z"],
313        E: ["exa", 1e+18, "E"],
314        P: ["peta", 1e+15, "P"],
315        T: ["tera", 1e+12, "T"],
316        G: ["giga", 1e+09, "G"],
317        M: ["mega", 1e+06, "M"],
318        k: ["kilo", 1e+03, "k"],
319        h: ["hecto", 1e+02, "h"],
320        e: ["dekao", 1e+01, "e"],
321        d: ["deci", 1e-01, "d"],
322        c: ["centi", 1e-02, "c"],
323        m: ["milli", 1e-03, "m"],
324        u: ["micro", 1e-06, "u"],
325        n: ["nano", 1e-09, "n"],
326        p: ["pico", 1e-12, "p"],
327        f: ["femto", 1e-15, "f"],
328        a: ["atto", 1e-18, "a"],
329        z: ["zepto", 1e-21, "z"],
330        y: ["yocto", 1e-24, "y"]
331    };
332    // Initialize units and multipliers
333    var from = null;
334    var to = null;
335    var base_from_unit = fromUnit;
336    var base_to_unit = toUnit;
337    var from_multiplier = 1;
338    var to_multiplier = 1;
339    var alt;
340    // Lookup from and to units
341    for (var i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
342        alt = (units[i][2] === null) ? [] : units[i][2];
343        if (units[i][1] === base_from_unit || alt.indexOf(base_from_unit) >= 0) {
344            from = units[i];
345        }
346        if (units[i][1] === base_to_unit || alt.indexOf(base_to_unit) >= 0) {
347            to = units[i];
348        }
349    }
350    // Lookup from prefix
351    if (from === null) {
352        var from_binary_prefix = binary_prefixes[fromUnit.substring(0, 2)];
353        var from_unit_prefix = unit_prefixes[fromUnit.substring(0, 1)];
354        // Handle dekao unit prefix (only unit prefix with two characters)
355        if (fromUnit.substring(0, 2) === 'da') {
356            from_unit_prefix = ["dekao", 1e+01, "da"];
357        }
358        // Handle binary prefixes first (so that 'Yi' is processed before 'Y')
359        if (from_binary_prefix) {
360            from_multiplier = from_binary_prefix[2];
361            base_from_unit = fromUnit.substring(2);
362        }
363        else if (from_unit_prefix) {
364            from_multiplier = from_unit_prefix[1];
365            base_from_unit = fromUnit.substring(from_unit_prefix[2].length);
366        }
367        // Lookup from unit
368        for (var j = 0; j < units.length; j++) {
369            alt = (units[j][2] === null) ? [] : units[j][2];
370            if (units[j][1] === base_from_unit || alt.indexOf(base_from_unit) >= 0) {
371                from = units[j];
372            }
373        }
374    }
375    // Lookup to prefix
376    if (to === null) {
377        var to_binary_prefix = binary_prefixes[toUnit.substring(0, 2)];
378        var to_unit_prefix = unit_prefixes[toUnit.substring(0, 1)];
379        // Handle dekao unit prefix (only unit prefix with two characters)
380        if (toUnit.substring(0, 2) === 'da') {
381            to_unit_prefix = ["dekao", 1e+01, "da"];
382        }
383        // Handle binary prefixes first (so that 'Yi' is processed before 'Y')
384        if (to_binary_prefix) {
385            to_multiplier = to_binary_prefix[2];
386            base_to_unit = toUnit.substring(2);
387        }
388        else if (to_unit_prefix) {
389            to_multiplier = to_unit_prefix[1];
390            base_to_unit = toUnit.substring(to_unit_prefix[2].length);
391        }
392        // Lookup to unit
393        for (var k = 0; k < units.length; k++) {
394            alt = (units[k][2] === null) ? [] : units[k][2];
395            if (units[k][1] === base_to_unit || alt.indexOf(base_to_unit) >= 0) {
396                to = units[k];
397            }
398        }
399    }
400    // Return error if a unit does not exist
401    if (from === null || to === null) {
402        throw new Errors_1.NAError("Invalid units for conversion.");
403    }
404    // Return error if units represent different quantities
405    if (from[3] !== to[3]) {
406        throw new Errors_1.NAError("Invalid units for conversion.");
407    }
408    // Return converted number
409    return n * from[6] * from_multiplier / (to[6] * to_multiplier);
411exports.CONVERT = CONVERT;
413 * Removes leading and trailing spaces in a specified string.
414 * @param value - The string or reference to a cell containing a string to be trimmed.
415 * @returns {string}
416 * @constructor
417 */
418var TRIM = function (value) {
419    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "TRIM");
420    var text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
421    return text.trim();
423exports.TRIM = TRIM;
425 * Converts text to lowercase.
426 * @param value - Text to convert.
427 * @constructor
428 */
429var LOWER = function (value) {
430    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "LOWER");
431    var text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
432    return text.toLowerCase();
434exports.LOWER = LOWER;
436 * Converts text to uppercase.
437 * @param value - Text to convert.
438 * @constructor
439 */
440var UPPER = function (value) {
441    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "UPPER");
442    var text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
443    return text.toUpperCase();
445exports.UPPER = UPPER;
447 * Returns string arguments as text, or the empty string if the value is not text.
448 * @param value - Value to return.
449 * @constructor
450 */
451var T = function (value) {
452    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "T");
453    var v = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValue(value);
454    if (typeof v === "string") {
455        return v;
456    }
457    return "";
459exports.T = T;
461 * Converts a number into a Roman numeral.
462 * @param value - The value to convert. Must be between 0 and 3999.
463 * @constructor
464 * TODO: Second parameter should be 'rule_relaxation'.
465 */
466var ROMAN = function (value) {
467    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "ROMAN");
468    value = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(value);
469    if (value < 1 || value > 3999) {
470        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Function ROMAN parameter 1 value is " + value
471            + ", while valid values are between 1 and 3999 inclusive.");
472    }
473    // The MIT License
474    // Copyright (c) 2008 Steven Levithan
475    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9083037/convert-a-number-into-a-roman-numeral-in-javascript
476    var digits = String(value).split('');
477    var key = ['',
478        'C',
479        'CC',
480        'CCC',
481        'CD',
482        'D',
483        'DC',
484        'DCC',
485        'DCCC',
486        'CM',
487        '',
488        'X',
489        'XX',
490        'XXX',
491        'XL',
492        'L',
493        'LX',
494        'LXX',
495        'LXXX',
496        'XC',
497        '',
498        'I',
499        'II',
500        'III',
501        'IV',
502        'V',
503        'VI',
504        'VII',
505        'VIII',
506        'IX'
507    ];
508    var roman = '';
509    var i = 3;
510    while (i--) {
511        roman = (key[+digits.pop() + (i * 10)] || '') + roman;
512    }
513    return new Array(+digits.join('') + 1).join('M') + roman;
515exports.ROMAN = ROMAN;
517 * Converts a number into text according to a given format.
518 * @param value - The value to be converted.
519 * @param format - Text which defines the format. "0" forces the display of zeros, while "#" suppresses the display of
520 * zeros. For example TEXT(22.1,"000.00") produces 022.10, while TEXT(22.1,"###.##") produces 22.1, and
521 * TEXT(22.405,"00.00") results in 22.41. To format days: "dddd" indicates full name of the day of the week, "ddd"
522 * short name of the day of the week, "dd" indicates the day of the month as two digits, "d" indicates day of the month
523 * as one or two digits, "mmmmm" indicates the first letter in the month of the year, "mmmm" indicates the full name of
524 * the month of the year, "mmm" indicates short name of the month of the year, "mm" indicates month of the year as two
525 * digits or the number of minutes in a time, depending on whether it follows yy or dd, or if it follows hh, "m" month
526 * of the year as one or two digits or the number of minutes in a time, depending on whether it follows yy or dd, or if
527 * it follows hh, "yyyy" indicates year as four digits, "yy" and "y" indicate year as two digits, "hh" indicates hour
528 * on a 24-hour clock, "h" indicates hour on a 12-hour clock, "ss.000" indicates milliseconds in a time, "ss" indicates
529 * seconds in a time, "AM/PM" or "A/P" indicate displaying hours based on a 12-hour clock and showing AM or PM
530 * depending on the time of day. Eg: `TEXT("01/09/2012 10:04:33AM", "mmmm-dd-yyyy, hh:mm AM/PM")` would result in
531 * "January-09-2012, 10:04 AM".
532 * @constructor
533 */
534var TEXT = function (value, format) {
535    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 2, "TEXT");
536    value = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValue(value);
537    function splitReplace(values, regex, index) {
538        return values.map(function (value) {
539            if (typeof value === "number") {
540                return [value];
541            }
542            else if (value instanceof Array) {
543                return splitReplace(value, regex, index);
544            }
545            else {
546                var splits_1 = value.split(regex);
547                var building_1 = [];
548                if (splits_1.length === 1) {
549                    return [splits_1];
550                }
551                splits_1.map(function (splitValue, splitIndex) {
552                    building_1.push(splitValue);
553                    if (splitIndex !== splits_1.length - 1) {
554                        building_1.push(index);
555                    }
556                });
557                return building_1;
558            }
559        });
560    }
561    // Short cut for booleans
562    if (typeof value === "boolean") {
563        return TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.valueToString(value);
564    }
565    // If the format matches the date format
566    if (format.match(/^.*(d|D|M|m|yy|Y|HH|hh|h|s|S|AM|PM|am|pm|A\/P|\*).*$/g)) {
567        // If the format contains both, throw error
568        if (format.indexOf("#") > -1 || format.indexOf("0") > -1) {
569            throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Invalid format pattern '" + format + "' for TEXT formula.");
570        }
571        var valueAsMoment_1;
572        if (typeof value === "string") {
573            valueAsMoment_1 = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.stringToMoment(value);
574            if (valueAsMoment_1 === undefined) {
575                valueAsMoment_1 = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.decimalNumberToMoment(TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.valueToNumber(value));
576            }
577        }
578        else {
579            valueAsMoment_1 = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.decimalNumberToMoment(TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.valueToNumber(value));
580        }
581        var replacementPairs_1 = [
582            // full name of the day of the week
583            [/dddd/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("dddd")],
584            // short name of the day of the week
585            [/ddd/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("ddd")],
586            // day of the month as two digits
587            [/dd/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("DD")],
588            // day of the month as one or two digits
589            [/d/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("d")],
590            // first letter in the month of the year
591            [/mmmmm/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("MMMM").charAt(0)],
592            // full name of the month of the year
593            [/mmmm/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("MMMM")],
594            // short name of the month of the year
595            [/mmm/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("MMM")],
596            // month of the year as two digits or the number of minutes in a time
597            [/mm/gi, function (monthOrMinute) {
598                    return monthOrMinute === "month" ? valueAsMoment_1.format("MM") : valueAsMoment_1.format("mm");
599                }],
600            // month of the year as one or two digits or the number of minutes in a time
601            [/m/g, function (monthOrMinute) {
602                    return monthOrMinute === "month" ? valueAsMoment_1.format("M") : valueAsMoment_1.format("m");
603                }],
604            // year as four digits
605            [/yyyy/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("YYYY")],
606            // year as two digits
607            [/yy/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("YY")],
608            // year as two digits
609            [/y/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("YY")],
610            // hour on a 24-hour clock
611            [/HH/g, valueAsMoment_1.format("HH")],
612            // hour on a 12-hour clock
613            [/hh/g, valueAsMoment_1.format("hh")],
614            // hour on a 12-hour clock
615            [/h/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("hh")],
616            // milliseconds in a time
617            [/ss\.000/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("ss.SSS")],
618            // seconds in a time
619            [/ss/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("ss")],
620            // seconds in a time
621            [/s/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("ss")],
622            [/AM\/PM/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("A")],
623            // displaying hours based on a 12-hour clock and showing AM or PM depending on the time of day
624            [/A\/P/gi, valueAsMoment_1.format("A").charAt(0)]
625        ];
626        var builtList_1 = [format];
627        replacementPairs_1.map(function (pair, pairIndex) {
628            var regex = pair[0];
629            builtList_1 = splitReplace(builtList_1, regex, pairIndex);
630        });
631        var lastRegEx_1 = "";
632        return Filter_1.Filter.flatten(builtList_1).map(function (val) {
633            if (typeof val === "number") {
634                if (typeof replacementPairs_1[val][1] === "function") {
635                    var monthOrMinute = "month";
636                    // Hack-ish way of determining if MM, mm, M, or m should be evaluated as minute or month.
637                    var lastRegExWasHour = lastRegEx_1.toString() === new RegExp("hh", "g").toString()
638                        || lastRegEx_1.toString() === new RegExp("HH", "g").toString()
639                        || lastRegEx_1.toString() === new RegExp("h", "g").toString();
640                    if (lastRegExWasHour) {
641                        monthOrMinute = "minute";
642                    }
643                    lastRegEx_1 = replacementPairs_1[val][0];
644                    return replacementPairs_1[val][1](monthOrMinute);
645                }
646                lastRegEx_1 = replacementPairs_1[val][0];
647                return replacementPairs_1[val][1];
648            }
649            return val;
650        }).join("");
651    }
652    else {
653        var numberValue = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.valueToNumber(value);
654        // Format string can't contain both 0 and #.
655        if (format.indexOf("#") > -1 && format.indexOf("0") > -1) {
656            throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Invalid format pattern '" + format + "' for TEXT formula.");
657        }
658        // See https://regex101.com/r/Jji2Ng/8 for more information.
659        var POUND_SIGN_FORMAT_CAPTURE = /^([$%+-]*)([#,]+)?(\.?)([# ]*)([$%+ -]*)$/gi;
660        var matches = POUND_SIGN_FORMAT_CAPTURE.exec(format);
661        if (matches !== null) {
662            var headSignsFormat = matches[1] || "";
663            var wholeNumberFormat = matches[2] || "";
664            var decimalNumberFormat = matches[4] || "";
665            var tailingSignsFormat = matches[5] || "";
666            var commafyNumber = wholeNumberFormat.indexOf(",") > -1;
667            var builder = MoreUtils_1.NumberStringBuilder.start()
668                .number(numberValue)
669                .commafy(commafyNumber)
670                .integerZeros(1)
671                .maximumDecimalPlaces(decimalNumberFormat.replace(/ /g, "").length)
672                .head(headSignsFormat)
673                .tail(tailingSignsFormat);
674            return builder.build();
675        }
676        /*
677        * See https://regex101.com/r/Pbx7js/6 for more information.
678        * 1 = signs, currency, etc.
679        * 2 = whole number including commas
680        * 3 = decimal
681        * 4 = decimal place including spaces
682        * 5 = signs, currency, etc.
683        * */
684        var ZERO_FORMAT_CAPTURE = /^([$%+-]*)([0,]+)?(\.?)([0 ]*)([$%+ -]*)$/gi;
685        matches = ZERO_FORMAT_CAPTURE.exec(format);
686        if (matches !== null) {
687            var headSignsFormat = matches[1] || "";
688            var wholeNumberFormat = matches[2] || "";
689            var decimalNumberFormat = matches[4] || "";
690            var tailingSignsFormat = matches[5] || "";
691            var commafyNumber = wholeNumberFormat.indexOf(",") > -1;
692            var builder = MoreUtils_1.NumberStringBuilder.start()
693                .number(numberValue)
694                .commafy(commafyNumber)
695                .integerZeros(wholeNumberFormat.replace(/,/g, "").length)
696                .decimalZeros(decimalNumberFormat.replace(/ /g, "").length)
697                .head(headSignsFormat)
698                .tail(tailingSignsFormat);
699            return builder.build();
700        }
701        // If the format didn't match the patterns above, it is invalid.
702        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Invalid format pattern '" + format + "' for TEXT formula.");
703    }
705exports.TEXT = TEXT;
707 * Looks for a string of text within another string. Where to begin the search can also be defined. The search term can
708 * be a number or any string of characters. The search is case-sensitive.
709 * @param searchFor - The text to be found.
710 * @param searchIn - The text where the search takes place.
711 * @param startAt - [OPTIONAL defaults to 1] - The position in the text from which the search starts.
712 * @returns {number}
713 * @constructor
714 */
715var FIND = function (searchFor, searchIn, startAt) {
716    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 2, 3, "FIND");
717    searchFor = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(searchFor);
718    searchIn = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(searchIn);
719    startAt = MoreUtils_1.isUndefined(startAt) ? 1 : TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(startAt);
720    if (startAt < 1) {
721        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("FIND parameter 3 value is " + startAt + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
722    }
723    var index = searchIn.indexOf(searchFor, startAt - 1);
724    if (index > -1) {
725        return index + 1;
726    }
727    throw new Errors_1.ValueError("For FIND cannot find '" + searchFor + "' within '" + searchIn + "'.");
729exports.FIND = FIND;
731 * Concatenates the values of one or more arrays using a specified delimiter.
732 * @param delimiter - The string to place between the values.
733 * @param values - The values to be appended using the delimiter.
734 * @returns {string}
735 * @constructor
736 */
737var JOIN = function (delimiter) {
738    var values = [];
739    for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
740        values[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
741    }
742    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkAtLeastLength(arguments, 2, "JOIN");
743    delimiter = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(delimiter);
744    values = Filter_1.Filter.flattenAndThrow(values);
745    return values.join(delimiter);
747exports.JOIN = JOIN;
749 * Returns the length of a string including spaces.
750 * @param value - The text whose length is to be determined.
751 * @constructor
752 */
753var LEN = function (value) {
754    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "LEN");
755    value = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
756    return value.length;
758exports.LEN = LEN;
760 * Returns the first character or characters in a text string.
761 * @param text - The text where the initial partial words are to be determined.
762 * @param numberOfCharacters [OPTIONAL] - The number of characters for the start text. If this parameter is not defined,
763 * one character is returned.
764 * @returns {string}
765 * @constructor
766 */
767var LEFT = function (text, numberOfCharacters) {
768    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "LEFT");
769    text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
770    numberOfCharacters = MoreUtils_1.isUndefined(numberOfCharacters) ? 1 : TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(numberOfCharacters);
771    if (numberOfCharacters < 0) {
772        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Formula LEFT parameter 2 value is " + numberOfCharacters
773            + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
774    }
775    return text.substring(0, numberOfCharacters);
777exports.LEFT = LEFT;
779 * Defines the last character or characters in a text string.
780 * @param text - The text where the initial partial words are to be determined.
781 * @param numberOfCharacters [OPTIONAL] - The number of characters for the start text. If this parameter is not defined,
782 * one character is returned.
783 * @returns {string}
784 * @constructor
785 */
786var RIGHT = function (text, numberOfCharacters) {
787    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "RIGHT");
788    text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
789    numberOfCharacters = MoreUtils_1.isUndefined(numberOfCharacters) ? 1 : TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(numberOfCharacters);
790    if (numberOfCharacters < 0) {
791        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Formula RIGHT parameter 2 value is " + numberOfCharacters
792            + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
793    }
794    return text.substring(text.length - numberOfCharacters);
796exports.RIGHT = RIGHT;
798 * Returns the position of a text segment within a character string. The start of the search can be set as an option.
799 * The search text can be a number or any sequence of characters. The search is not case-sensitive.
800 * @param findText - The text to be searched for.
801 * @param withinText - The text where the search will take place
802 * @param position - [OPTIONAL default 1] The position in the text where the search is to start.
803 * @constructor
804 */
805var SEARCH = function (findText, withinText, position) {
806    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 2, 3, "SEARCH");
807    findText = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(findText);
808    withinText = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(withinText);
809    position = MoreUtils_1.isUndefined(position) ? 0 : TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(position);
810    if (position < 0) {
811        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Formula SEARCH parameter 3 value is " + position
812            + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
813    }
814    var index = withinText.toLowerCase().indexOf(findText.toLowerCase(), position - 1);
815    if (index > -1) {
816        return index + 1;
817    }
818    throw new Errors_1.ValueError("For SEARCH evaluation, cannot find '" + findText + "' inside '" + withinText + "'");
820exports.SEARCH = SEARCH;
822 * Repeats a character string by the given number of copies.
823 * @param text - The text to be repeated.
824 * @param numberOfReps - The number of repetitions
825 * @constructor
826 */
827var REPT = function (text, numberOfReps) {
828    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 2, "REPT");
829    text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
830    numberOfReps = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(numberOfReps);
831    if (numberOfReps < 0) {
832        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Formula REPT parameter 2 value is " + numberOfReps
833            + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
834    }
835    return new Array(numberOfReps + 1).join(text);
837exports.REPT = REPT;
839 * Converts a value into a number if possible.
840 * @param value - The value to convert to a number.
841 * @returns {number}
842 * @constructor
843 */
844var VALUE = function (value) {
845    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "VALUE");
846    value = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValue(value);
847    if (typeof value === "boolean") {
848        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("VALUE parameter '" + value + "' cannot be parsed to number.");
849    }
850    return TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(value);
852exports.VALUE = VALUE;
854 * Removes all non-printing characters from the string.
855 * @param text - The text from which to remove all non-printable characters.
856 * @returns {string}
857 * @constructor
858 */
859var CLEAN = function (text) {
860    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "CLEAN");
861    text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
862    return text.replace(/[\0-\x1F]/g, "");
864exports.CLEAN = CLEAN;
866 * Returns a text segment of a character string. The parameters specify the starting position and the number of
867 * characters.
868 * @param text - The text containing the characters to extract.
869 * @param start - The position of the first character in the text to extract.
870 * @param number - The number of characters in the part of the text.
871 * @returns {string}
872 * @constructor
873 */
874var MID = function (text, start, number) {
875    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 3, "MID");
876    text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
877    start = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(start);
878    number = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(number);
879    if (number === 0) {
880        return "";
881    }
882    if (number < 0) {
883        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("MID parameter 3 value is " + number + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
884    }
885    if (start < 1) {
886        throw new Errors_1.NumError("Function MID parameter 2 value is " + start + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
887    }
888    return text.substring(start - 1, start + number - 1);
890exports.MID = MID;
891var PROPER = function (text) {
892    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "PROPER");
893    text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
894    return text.replace(/\w\S*/g, function (txt) {
895        return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();
896    });
898exports.PROPER = PROPER;
900 * Replaces part of a text string with a different text string. This function can be used to replace both characters and
901 * numbers (which are automatically converted to text). The result of the function is always displayed as text.
902 * @param text - The text of which a part will be replaced.
903 * @param position - The position within the text where the replacement will begin.
904 * @param length - The number of characters in text to be replaced.
905 * @param newText - The text which replaces text.
906 * @constructor
907 */
908var REPLACE = function (text, position, length, newText) {
909    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 4, "REPLACE");
910    text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
911    position = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(position);
912    if (position < 1) {
913        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Function REPLACE parameter 2 value is " + position
914            + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
915    }
916    length = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(length);
917    if (length < 0) {
918        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Function REPLACE parameter 3 value is " + length
919            + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
920    }
921    newText = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(newText);
922    return text.substr(0, position - 1) + newText + text.substr(position - 1 + length);
924exports.REPLACE = REPLACE;
926 * Substitutes new text for old text in a string.
927 * @param text - The text in which text segments are to be exchanged.
928 * @param searchFor - The text segment that is to be replaced (a number of times)
929 * @param replaceWith - The text that is to replace the text segment.
930 * @param occurrence - [OPTIONAL] - Indicates how many occurrences of the search text are to be replaced. If this
931 * parameter is missing, the search text is replaced throughout.
932 * @returns {string}
933 * @constructor
934 */
935var SUBSTITUTE = function (text, searchFor, replaceWith, occurrence) {
936    ArgsChecker_1.ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 3, 4, "SUBSTITUTE");
937    text = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
938    searchFor = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(searchFor);
939    replaceWith = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(replaceWith);
940    if (MoreUtils_1.isUndefined(occurrence)) {
941        return text.replace(new RegExp(searchFor, 'g'), replaceWith);
942    }
943    occurrence = TypeConverter_1.TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(occurrence);
944    if (occurrence < 0) {
945        throw new Errors_1.ValueError("Function SUBSTITUTE parameter 4 value is " + occurrence
946            + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
947    }
948    var index = 0;
949    var i = 0;
950    while (text.indexOf(searchFor, index) > -1) {
951        index = text.indexOf(searchFor, index);
952        i++;
953        if (i === occurrence) {
954            return text.substring(0, index) + replaceWith + text.substring(index + searchFor.length);
955        }
956    }
957    return text;