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name: dist/Utilities/ArgsChecker.d.ts
 2 * Static class to check argument length within expected ranges when calling functions.
 3 */
 4declare class ArgsChecker {
 5    /**
 6     * Checks to see if the arguments are of the correct length.
 7     * @param args to check length of
 8     * @param length expected length
 9     * @param caller name of the function calling this function, for use in error message formatting
10     */
11    static checkLength(args: Array<any> | IArguments, length: number, caller?: string): void;
12    /**
13     * Checks to see if the arguments are at least a certain length.
14     * @param args to check length of
15     * @param length expected length
16     * @param caller name of the function calling this function, for use in error message formatting
17     */
18    static checkAtLeastLength(args: any, length: number, caller?: string): void;
19    /**
20     * Checks to see if the arguments are within a max and min, inclusively
21     * @param args to check length of
22     * @param low least number of arguments
23     * @param high max number of arguments
24     * @param caller name of the function calling this function, for use in error message formatting
25     */
26    static checkLengthWithin(args: any, low: number, high: number, caller?: string): void;
28export { ArgsChecker };