typeScript/javascript spreadsheet parser, with formulas.
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name: dist/Utilities/CriteriaFunctionFactory.d.ts
 2 * Creates a criteria function to evaluate elements in a range in an *IF function.
 3 */
 4declare class CriteriaFunctionFactory {
 5    /**
 6     * If the criteria is a number, use strict equality checking.
 7     * If the criteria is a string, check to see if it is a comparator.
 8     * If the criteria is a string, and it is not a comparator, check for regex.
 9     * If the criteria is a string and has not matched the above, finally use strict equality checking as a fallback.
10     * If the criteria has not been set, default to false-returning criteria function.
11     * @param criteria
12     * @returns {(x:any)=>boolean}
13     */
14    static createCriteriaFunction(criteria: string): Function;
16export { CriteriaFunctionFactory };