typeScript/javascript spreadsheet parser, with formulas.
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name: src/Formulas/Text.ts
   1import {
   2  ArgsChecker
   3} from "../Utilities/ArgsChecker";
   4import {
   5  TypeConverter
   6} from "../Utilities/TypeConverter";
   7import {
   8  ValueError,
   9  NumError,
  10  RefError,
  11  NAError
  12} from "../Errors";
  13import {
  14  Filter
  15} from "../Utilities/Filter";
  16import {
  17  isDefined, isUndefined,
  18  NumberStringBuilder
  19} from "../Utilities/MoreUtils";
  20import {ROUND} from "./Math";
  21import {min} from "moment";
  24 * Computes the value of a Roman numeral.
  25 * @param text - The Roman numeral to format, whose value must be between 1 and 3999, inclusive.
  26 * @returns {number} value in integer format
  27 * @constructor
  28 */
  29let ARABIC = function (text?) {
  30  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "ARABIC");
  31  if (typeof text !== "string") {
  32    throw new ValueError('Invalid roman numeral in ARABIC evaluation.');
  33  }
  34  let negative = false;
  35  if (text[0] === "-") {
  36    negative = true;
  37    text = text.substr(1);
  38  }
  39  // Credits: Rafa? Kukawski
  40  if (!/^M*(?:D?C{0,3}|C[MD])(?:L?X{0,3}|X[CL])(?:V?I{0,3}|I[XV])$/.test(text)) {
  41    throw new ValueError('Invalid roman numeral in ARABIC evaluation.');
  42  }
  43  let r = 0;
  44  text.replace(/[MDLV]|C[MD]?|X[CL]?|I[XV]?/g, function (i) {
  45    r += {M: 1000, CM: 900, D: 500, CD: 400, C: 100, XC: 90, L: 50, XL: 40, X: 10, IX: 9, V: 5, IV: 4, I: 1}[i];
  46  });
  47  if (negative) {
  48    return r * -1;
  49  }
  50  return r;
  54 * Convert a number into a character according to the current Unicode table.
  55 * @param value - The number of the character to look up from the current Unicode table in decimal format.
  56 * @returns {string} character corresponding to Unicode number
  57 * @constructor
  58 */
  59let CHAR = function (value) : string {
  60  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "CHAR");
  61  let n = TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(value);
  62  if (n < 1 || n > 1114112) { //limit
  63    throw new NumError("Function CHAR parameter 1 value " + n + " is out of range.");
  64  }
  65  return String.fromCharCode(n);
  69 * Returns the numeric Unicode map value of the first character in the string provided.
  70 * @param value - The string whose first character's Unicode map value will be returned.
  71 * @returns {number} number of the first character's Unicode value
  72 * @constructor
  73 */
  74let CODE = function (value) : number {
  75  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "CODE");
  76  let text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
  77  if (text === "") {
  78    throw new ValueError("Function CODE parameter 1 value should be non-empty.");
  79  }
  80  return text.charCodeAt(0);
  84 * Divides text around a specified character or string, and puts each fragment into a separate cell in the row.
  85 * @param text - The text to divide.
  86 * @param delimiter - The character or characters to use to split text.
  87 * @param splitByEach - [optional] Whether or not to divide text around each character contained in
  88 * delimiter.
  89 * @returns {Array<string>} containing the split
  90 * @constructor
  91 * TODO: At some point this needs to return a more complex type than Array. Needs to return a type that has a dimension.
  92 */
  93let SPLIT = function (text, delimiter, splitByEach?) : Array<string> {
  94  ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 2, 3, "SPLIT");
  95  text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
  96  delimiter = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(delimiter);
  97  splitByEach = splitByEach === undefined ? false : TypeConverter.firstValueAsBoolean(splitByEach);
  98  if (splitByEach) {
  99    let result = [text];
 100    for (let i = 0; i < delimiter.length; i++) {
 101      let char = delimiter[i];
 102      let subResult = [];
 103      for (let x = 0; x < result.length; x++) {
 104        subResult = subResult.concat(result[x].split(char));
 105      }
 106      result = subResult;
 107    }
 108    return result.filter(function (val) {
 109      return val.trim() !== "";
 110    });
 111  } else {
 112    return text.split(delimiter);
 113  }
 117 * Appends strings to one another.
 118 * @param values - to append to one another. Must contain at least one value
 119 * @returns {string} concatenated string
 120 * @constructor
 121 */
 122let CONCATENATE = function (...values) : string {
 123  ArgsChecker.checkAtLeastLength(values, 1, "CONCATENATE");
 124  let string = '';
 125  for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
 126    if (values[i] instanceof Array) {
 127      if (values[i].length === 0) {
 128        throw new RefError("Reference does not exist.");
 129      }
 130      string += CONCATENATE.apply(this, arguments[i]);
 131    } else {
 132      string += TypeConverter.valueToString(values[i]);
 133    }
 134  }
 135  return string;
 139 * Converts a numeric value to a different unit of measure.
 140 * @param value - the numeric value in start_unit to convert to end_unit.
 141 * @param startUnit - The starting unit, the unit currently assigned to value.
 142 * @param endUnit - The unit of measure into which to convert value.
 143 * @returns {number}
 144 * @constructor
 145 * TODO: Looking up units is not efficient at all. We should use an object instead of iterating through an array.
 146 */
 147let CONVERT = function (value, startUnit, endUnit) {
 148  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 3, "CONVERT");
 149  let n = TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(value);
 150  let fromUnit = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(startUnit);
 151  let toUnit = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(endUnit);
 153  // NOTE: A lot of the code for this method is from https://github.com/sutoiku/formula.js. I'm relying on them to have
 154  // gotten it right, but I'm spot checking some of their work against GS, MSE, LibreOffice, OpenOffice.
 156  // List of units supported by CONVERT and units defined by the International System of Units
 157  // [Name, Symbol, Alternate symbols, Quantity, ISU, CONVERT, Conversion ratio]
 158  let units = [
 159    ["a.u. of action", "?", null, "action", false, false, 1.05457168181818e-34],
 160    ["a.u. of charge", "e", null, "electric_charge", false, false, 1.60217653141414e-19],
 161    ["a.u. of energy", "Eh", null, "energy", false, false, 4.35974417757576e-18],
 162    ["a.u. of length", "a?", null, "length", false, false, 5.29177210818182e-11],
 163    ["a.u. of mass", "m?", null, "mass", false, false, 9.10938261616162e-31],
 164    ["a.u. of time", "?/Eh", null, "time", false, false, 2.41888432650516e-17],
 165    ["admiralty knot", "admkn", null, "speed", false, true, 0.514773333],
 166    ["ampere", "A", null, "electric_current", true, false, 1],
 167    ["ampere per meter", "A/m", null, "magnetic_field_intensity", true, false, 1],
 168    ["ångström", "Å", ["ang"], "length", false, true, 1e-10],
 169    ["are", "ar", null, "area", false, true, 100],
 170    ["astronomical unit", "ua", null, "length", false, false, 1.49597870691667e-11],
 171    ["bar", "bar", null, "pressure", false, false, 100000],
 172    ["barn", "b", null, "area", false, false, 1e-28],
 173    ["becquerel", "Bq", null, "radioactivity", true, false, 1],
 174    ["bit", "bit", ["b"], "information", false, true, 1],
 175    ["btu", "BTU", ["btu"], "energy", false, true, 1055.05585262],
 176    ["byte", "byte", null, "information", false, true, 8],
 177    ["candela", "cd", null, "luminous_intensity", true, false, 1],
 178    ["candela per square metre", "cd/m?", null, "luminance", true, false, 1],
 179    ["coulomb", "C", null, "electric_charge", true, false, 1],
 180    ["cubic ångström", "ang3", ["ang^3"], "volume", false, true, 1e-30],
 181    ["cubic foot", "ft3", ["ft^3"], "volume", false, true, 0.028316846592],
 182    ["cubic inch", "in3", ["in^3"], "volume", false, true, 0.000016387064],
 183    ["cubic light-year", "ly3", ["ly^3"], "volume", false, true, 8.46786664623715e-47],
 184    ["cubic metre", "m?", null, "volume", true, true, 1],
 185    ["cubic mile", "mi3", ["mi^3"], "volume", false, true, 4168181825.44058],
 186    ["cubic nautical mile", "Nmi3", ["Nmi^3"], "volume", false, true, 6352182208],
 187    ["cubic Pica", "Pica3", ["Picapt3", "Pica^3", "Picapt^3"], "volume", false, true, 7.58660370370369e-8],
 188    ["cubic yard", "yd3", ["yd^3"], "volume", false, true, 0.764554857984],
 189    ["cup", "cup", null, "volume", false, true, 0.0002365882365],
 190    ["dalton", "Da", ["u"], "mass", false, false, 1.66053886282828e-27],
 191    ["day", "d", ["day"], "time", false, true, 86400],
 192    ["degree", "°", null, "angle", false, false, 0.0174532925199433],
 193    ["degrees Rankine", "Rank", null, "temperature", false, true, 0.555555555555556],
 194    ["dyne", "dyn", ["dy"], "force", false, true, 0.00001],
 195    ["electronvolt", "eV", ["ev"], "energy", false, true, 1.60217656514141],
 196    ["ell", "ell", null, "length", false, true, 1.143],
 197    ["erg", "erg", ["e"], "energy", false, true, 1e-7],
 198    ["farad", "F", null, "electric_capacitance", true, false, 1],
 199    ["fluid ounce", "oz", null, "volume", false, true, 0.0000295735295625],
 200    ["foot", "ft", null, "length", false, true, 0.3048],
 201    ["foot-pound", "flb", null, "energy", false, true, 1.3558179483314],
 202    ["gal", "Gal", null, "acceleration", false, false, 0.01],
 203    ["gallon", "gal", null, "volume", false, true, 0.003785411784],
 204    ["gauss", "G", ["ga"], "magnetic_flux_density", false, true, 1],
 205    ["grain", "grain", null, "mass", false, true, 0.0000647989],
 206    ["gram", "g", null, "mass", false, true, 0.001],
 207    ["gray", "Gy", null, "absorbed_dose", true, false, 1],
 208    ["gross registered ton", "GRT", ["regton"], "volume", false, true, 2.8316846592],
 209    ["hectare", "ha", null, "area", false, true, 10000],
 210    ["henry", "H", null, "inductance", true, false, 1],
 211    ["hertz", "Hz", null, "frequency", true, false, 1],
 212    ["horsepower", "HP", ["h"], "power", false, true, 745.69987158227],
 213    ["horsepower-hour", "HPh", ["hh", "hph"], "energy", false, true, 2684519.538],
 214    ["hour", "h", ["hr"], "time", false, true, 3600],
 215    ["imperial gallon (U.K.)", "uk_gal", null, "volume", false, true, 0.00454609],
 216    ["imperial hundredweight", "lcwt", ["uk_cwt", "hweight"], "mass", false, true, 50.802345],
 217    ["imperial quart (U.K)", "uk_qt", null, "volume", false, true, 0.0011365225],
 218    ["imperial ton", "brton", ["uk_ton", "LTON"], "mass", false, true, 1016.046909],
 219    ["inch", "in", null, "length", false, true, 0.0254],
 220    ["international acre", "uk_acre", null, "area", false, true, 4046.8564224],
 221    ["IT calorie", "cal", null, "energy", false, true, 4.1868],
 222    ["joule", "J", null, "energy", true, true, 1],
 223    ["katal", "kat", null, "catalytic_activity", true, false, 1],
 224    ["kelvin", "K", ["kel"], "temperature", true, true, 1],
 225    ["kilogram", "kg", null, "mass", true, true, 1],
 226    ["knot", "kn", null, "speed", false, true, 0.514444444444444],
 227    ["light-year", "ly", null, "length", false, true, 9460730472580800],
 228    ["litre", "L", ["l", "lt"], "volume", false, true, 0.001],
 229    ["lumen", "lm", null, "luminous_flux", true, false, 1],
 230    ["lux", "lx", null, "illuminance", true, false, 1],
 231    ["maxwell", "Mx", null, "magnetic_flux", false, false, 1e-18],
 232    ["measurement ton", "MTON", null, "volume", false, true, 1.13267386368],
 233    ["meter per hour", "m/h", ["m/hr"], "speed", false, true, 0.00027777777777778],
 234    ["meter per second", "m/s", ["m/sec"], "speed", true, true, 1],
 235    ["meter per second squared", "m?s??", null, "acceleration", true, false, 1],
 236    ["parsec", "pc", ["parsec"], "length", false, true, 30856775814671900],
 237    ["meter squared per second", "m?/s", null, "kinematic_viscosity", true, false, 1],
 238    ["metre", "m", null, "length", true, true, 1],
 239    ["miles per hour", "mph", null, "speed", false, true, 0.44704],
 240    ["millimetre of mercury", "mmHg", null, "pressure", false, false, 133.322],
 241    ["minute", "?", null, "angle", false, false, 0.000290888208665722],
 242    ["minute", "min", ["mn"], "time", false, true, 60],
 243    ["modern teaspoon", "tspm", null, "volume", false, true, 0.000005],
 244    ["mole", "mol", null, "amount_of_substance", true, false, 1],
 245    ["morgen", "Morgen", null, "area", false, true, 2500],
 246    ["n.u. of action", "?", null, "action", false, false, 1.05457168181818e-34],
 247    ["n.u. of mass", "m?", null, "mass", false, false, 9.10938261616162e-31],
 248    ["n.u. of speed", "c?", null, "speed", false, false, 299792458],
 249    ["n.u. of time", "?/(me?c??)", null, "time", false, false, 1.28808866778687e-21],
 250    ["nautical mile", "M", ["Nmi"], "length", false, true, 1852],
 251    ["newton", "N", null, "force", true, true, 1],
 252    ["œrsted", "Oe ", null, "magnetic_field_intensity", false, false, 79.5774715459477],
 253    ["ohm", "Ω", null, "electric_resistance", true, false, 1],
 254    ["ounce mass", "ozm", null, "mass", false, true, 0.028349523125],
 255    ["pascal", "Pa", null, "pressure", true, false, 1],
 256    ["pascal second", "Pa?s", null, "dynamic_viscosity", true, false, 1],
 257    ["pferdestärke", "PS", null, "power", false, true, 735.49875],
 258    ["phot", "ph", null, "illuminance", false, false, 0.0001],
 259    ["pica (1/6 inch)", "pica", null, "length", false, true, 0.00035277777777778],
 260    ["pica (1/72 inch)", "Pica", ["Picapt"], "length", false, true, 0.00423333333333333],
 261    ["poise", "P", null, "dynamic_viscosity", false, false, 0.1],
 262    ["pond", "pond", null, "force", false, true, 0.00980665],
 263    ["pound force", "lbf", null, "force", false, true, 4.4482216152605],
 264    ["pound mass", "lbm", null, "mass", false, true, 0.45359237],
 265    ["quart", "qt", null, "volume", false, true, 0.000946352946],
 266    ["radian", "rad", null, "angle", true, false, 1],
 267    ["second", "?", null, "angle", false, false, 0.00000484813681109536],
 268    ["second", "s", ["sec"], "time", true, true, 1],
 269    ["short hundredweight", "cwt", ["shweight"], "mass", false, true, 45.359237],
 270    ["siemens", "S", null, "electrical_conductance", true, false, 1],
 271    ["sievert", "Sv", null, "equivalent_dose", true, false, 1],
 272    ["slug", "sg", null, "mass", false, true, 14.59390294],
 273    ["square ångström", "ang2", ["ang^2"], "area", false, true, 1e-20],
 274    ["square foot", "ft2", ["ft^2"], "area", false, true, 0.09290304],
 275    ["square inch", "in2", ["in^2"], "area", false, true, 0.00064516],
 276    ["square light-year", "ly2", ["ly^2"], "area", false, true, 8.95054210748189e+31],
 277    ["square meter", "m?", null, "area", true, true, 1],
 278    ["square meter", "m^2", null, "area", true, true, 1], // Added by @vogtb.
 279    ["square mile", "mi2", ["mi^2"], "area", false, true, 2589988.110336],
 280    ["square nautical mile", "Nmi2", ["Nmi^2"], "area", false, true, 3429904],
 281    ["square Pica", "Pica2", ["Picapt2", "Pica^2", "Picapt^2"], "area", false, true, 0.00001792111111111],
 282    ["square yard", "yd2", ["yd^2"], "area", false, true, 0.83612736],
 283    ["statute mile", "mi", null, "length", false, true, 1609.344],
 284    ["steradian", "sr", null, "solid_angle", true, false, 1],
 285    ["stilb", "sb", null, "luminance", false, false, 0.0001],
 286    ["stokes", "St", null, "kinematic_viscosity", false, false, 0.0001],
 287    ["stone", "stone", null, "mass", false, true, 6.35029318],
 288    ["tablespoon", "tbs", null, "volume", false, true, 0.0000147868],
 289    ["teaspoon", "tsp", null, "volume", false, true, 0.00000492892],
 290    ["tesla", "T", null, "magnetic_flux_density", true, true, 1],
 291    ["thermodynamic calorie", "c", null, "energy", false, true, 4.184],
 292    ["ton", "ton", null, "mass", false, true, 907.18474],
 293    ["tonne", "t", null, "mass", false, false, 1000],
 294    ["U.K. pint", "uk_pt", null, "volume", false, true, 0.00056826125],
 295    ["U.S. bushel", "bushel", null, "volume", false, true, 0.03523907],
 296    ["U.S. oil barrel", "barrel", null, "volume", false, true, 0.158987295],
 297    ["U.S. pint", "pt", ["us_pt"], "volume", false, true, 0.000473176473],
 298    ["U.S. survey mile", "survey_mi", null, "length", false, true, 1609.347219],
 299    ["U.S. survey/statute acre", "us_acre", null, "area", false, true, 4046.87261],
 300    ["volt", "V", null, "voltage", true, false, 1],
 301    ["watt", "W", null, "power", true, true, 1],
 302    ["watt-hour", "Wh", ["wh"], "energy", false, true, 3600],
 303    ["weber", "Wb", null, "magnetic_flux", true, false, 1],
 304    ["yard", "yd", null, "length", false, true, 0.9144],
 305    ["year", "yr", null, "time", false, true, 31557600]
 306  ];
 308  // Binary prefixes
 309  // [Name, Prefix power of 2 value, Previx value, Abbreviation, Derived from]
 310  let binary_prefixes = {
 311    Yi: ["yobi", 80, 1208925819614629174706176, "Yi", "yotta"],
 312    Zi: ["zebi", 70, 1180591620717411303424, "Zi", "zetta"],
 313    Ei: ["exbi", 60, 1152921504606846976, "Ei", "exa"],
 314    Pi: ["pebi", 50, 1125899906842624, "Pi", "peta"],
 315    Ti: ["tebi", 40, 1099511627776, "Ti", "tera"],
 316    Gi: ["gibi", 30, 1073741824, "Gi", "giga"],
 317    Mi: ["mebi", 20, 1048576, "Mi", "mega"],
 318    ki: ["kibi", 10, 1024, "ki", "kilo"]
 319  };
 321  // Unit prefixes
 322  // [Name, Multiplier, Abbreviation]
 323  let unit_prefixes = {
 324    Y: ["yotta", 1e+24, "Y"],
 325    Z: ["zetta", 1e+21, "Z"],
 326    E: ["exa", 1e+18, "E"],
 327    P: ["peta", 1e+15, "P"],
 328    T: ["tera", 1e+12, "T"],
 329    G: ["giga", 1e+09, "G"],
 330    M: ["mega", 1e+06, "M"],
 331    k: ["kilo", 1e+03, "k"],
 332    h: ["hecto", 1e+02, "h"],
 333    e: ["dekao", 1e+01, "e"],
 334    d: ["deci", 1e-01, "d"],
 335    c: ["centi", 1e-02, "c"],
 336    m: ["milli", 1e-03, "m"],
 337    u: ["micro", 1e-06, "u"],
 338    n: ["nano", 1e-09, "n"],
 339    p: ["pico", 1e-12, "p"],
 340    f: ["femto", 1e-15, "f"],
 341    a: ["atto", 1e-18, "a"],
 342    z: ["zepto", 1e-21, "z"],
 343    y: ["yocto", 1e-24, "y"]
 344  };
 346  // Initialize units and multipliers
 347  let from = null;
 348  let to = null;
 349  let base_from_unit = fromUnit;
 350  let base_to_unit = toUnit;
 351  let from_multiplier = 1;
 352  let to_multiplier = 1;
 353  let alt;
 355  // Lookup from and to units
 356  for (let i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
 357    alt = (units[i][2] === null) ? [] : units[i][2];
 358    if (units[i][1] === base_from_unit || alt.indexOf(base_from_unit) >= 0) {
 359      from = units[i];
 360    }
 361    if (units[i][1] === base_to_unit || alt.indexOf(base_to_unit) >= 0) {
 362      to = units[i];
 363    }
 364  }
 366  // Lookup from prefix
 367  if (from === null) {
 368    let from_binary_prefix = binary_prefixes[fromUnit.substring(0, 2)];
 369    let from_unit_prefix = unit_prefixes[fromUnit.substring(0, 1)];
 371    // Handle dekao unit prefix (only unit prefix with two characters)
 372    if (fromUnit.substring(0, 2) === 'da') {
 373      from_unit_prefix = ["dekao", 1e+01, "da"];
 374    }
 376    // Handle binary prefixes first (so that 'Yi' is processed before 'Y')
 377    if (from_binary_prefix) {
 378      from_multiplier = from_binary_prefix[2];
 379      base_from_unit = fromUnit.substring(2);
 380    } else if (from_unit_prefix) {
 381      from_multiplier = from_unit_prefix[1];
 382      base_from_unit = fromUnit.substring(from_unit_prefix[2].length);
 383    }
 385    // Lookup from unit
 386    for (let j = 0; j < units.length; j++) {
 387      alt = (units[j][2] === null) ? [] : units[j][2];
 388      if (units[j][1] === base_from_unit || alt.indexOf(base_from_unit) >= 0) {
 389        from = units[j];
 390      }
 391    }
 392  }
 394  // Lookup to prefix
 395  if (to === null) {
 396    let to_binary_prefix = binary_prefixes[toUnit.substring(0, 2)];
 397    let to_unit_prefix = unit_prefixes[toUnit.substring(0, 1)];
 399    // Handle dekao unit prefix (only unit prefix with two characters)
 400    if (toUnit.substring(0, 2) === 'da') {
 401      to_unit_prefix = ["dekao", 1e+01, "da"];
 402    }
 404    // Handle binary prefixes first (so that 'Yi' is processed before 'Y')
 405    if (to_binary_prefix) {
 406      to_multiplier = to_binary_prefix[2];
 407      base_to_unit = toUnit.substring(2);
 408    } else if (to_unit_prefix) {
 409      to_multiplier = to_unit_prefix[1];
 410      base_to_unit = toUnit.substring(to_unit_prefix[2].length);
 411    }
 413    // Lookup to unit
 414    for (let k = 0; k < units.length; k++) {
 415      alt = (units[k][2] === null) ? [] : units[k][2];
 416      if (units[k][1] === base_to_unit || alt.indexOf(base_to_unit) >= 0) {
 417        to = units[k];
 418      }
 419    }
 420  }
 422  // Return error if a unit does not exist
 423  if (from === null || to === null) {
 424    throw new NAError("Invalid units for conversion.");
 425  }
 427  // Return error if units represent different quantities
 428  if (from[3] !== to[3]) {
 429    throw new NAError("Invalid units for conversion.");
 430  }
 432  // Return converted number
 433  return n * from[6] * from_multiplier / (to[6] * to_multiplier);
 438 * Removes leading and trailing spaces in a specified string.
 439 * @param value - The string or reference to a cell containing a string to be trimmed.
 440 * @returns {string}
 441 * @constructor
 442 */
 443let TRIM = function (value) {
 444  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "TRIM");
 445  let text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
 446  return text.trim();
 451 * Converts text to lowercase.
 452 * @param value - Text to convert.
 453 * @constructor
 454 */
 455let LOWER =  function (value) {
 456  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "LOWER");
 457  let text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
 458  return text.toLowerCase();
 463 * Converts text to uppercase.
 464 * @param value - Text to convert.
 465 * @constructor
 466 */
 467let UPPER = function (value) {
 468  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "UPPER");
 469  let text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
 470  return text.toUpperCase();
 475 * Returns string arguments as text, or the empty string if the value is not text.
 476 * @param value - Value to return.
 477 * @constructor
 478 */
 479let T = function (value) {
 480  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "T");
 481  let v = TypeConverter.firstValue(value);
 482  if (typeof v === "string") {
 483    return v;
 484  }
 485  return "";
 489 * Converts a number into a Roman numeral.
 490 * @param value - The value to convert. Must be between 0 and 3999.
 491 * @constructor
 492 * TODO: Second parameter should be 'rule_relaxation'.
 493 */
 494let ROMAN = function (value) {
 495  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "ROMAN");
 496  value = TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(value);
 497  if (value < 1 || value > 3999) {
 498    throw new ValueError("Function ROMAN parameter 1 value is " + value
 499        + ", while valid values are between 1 and 3999 inclusive.");
 500  }
 501  // The MIT License
 502  // Copyright (c) 2008 Steven Levithan
 503  // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9083037/convert-a-number-into-a-roman-numeral-in-javascript
 504  let digits = String(value).split('');
 505  let key = ['',
 506    'C',
 507    'CC',
 508    'CCC',
 509    'CD',
 510    'D',
 511    'DC',
 512    'DCC',
 513    'DCCC',
 514    'CM',
 515    '',
 516    'X',
 517    'XX',
 518    'XXX',
 519    'XL',
 520    'L',
 521    'LX',
 522    'LXX',
 523    'LXXX',
 524    'XC',
 525    '',
 526    'I',
 527    'II',
 528    'III',
 529    'IV',
 530    'V',
 531    'VI',
 532    'VII',
 533    'VIII',
 534    'IX'
 535  ];
 536  let roman = '';
 537  let i = 3;
 538  while (i--) {
 539    roman = (key[+digits.pop() + (i * 10)] || '') + roman;
 540  }
 541  return new Array(+digits.join('') + 1).join('M') + roman;
 545 * Converts a number into text according to a given format.
 546 * @param value - The value to be converted.
 547 * @param format - Text which defines the format. "0" forces the display of zeros, while "#" suppresses the display of
 548 * zeros. For example TEXT(22.1,"000.00") produces 022.10, while TEXT(22.1,"###.##") produces 22.1, and
 549 * TEXT(22.405,"00.00") results in 22.41. To format days: "dddd" indicates full name of the day of the week, "ddd"
 550 * short name of the day of the week, "dd" indicates the day of the month as two digits, "d" indicates day of the month
 551 * as one or two digits, "mmmmm" indicates the first letter in the month of the year, "mmmm" indicates the full name of
 552 * the month of the year, "mmm" indicates short name of the month of the year, "mm" indicates month of the year as two
 553 * digits or the number of minutes in a time, depending on whether it follows yy or dd, or if it follows hh, "m" month
 554 * of the year as one or two digits or the number of minutes in a time, depending on whether it follows yy or dd, or if
 555 * it follows hh, "yyyy" indicates year as four digits, "yy" and "y" indicate year as two digits, "hh" indicates hour
 556 * on a 24-hour clock, "h" indicates hour on a 12-hour clock, "ss.000" indicates milliseconds in a time, "ss" indicates
 557 * seconds in a time, "AM/PM" or "A/P" indicate displaying hours based on a 12-hour clock and showing AM or PM
 558 * depending on the time of day. Eg: `TEXT("01/09/2012 10:04:33AM", "mmmm-dd-yyyy, hh:mm AM/PM")` would result in
 559 * "January-09-2012, 10:04 AM".
 560 * @constructor
 561 */
 562let TEXT = function (value, format) {
 563  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 2, "TEXT");
 564  value = TypeConverter.firstValue(value);
 567  function splitReplace(values: Array<any>, regex, index) : Array<any> {
 568    return values.map(function (value) {
 569      if (typeof value === "number") {
 570        return [value];
 571      } else if (value instanceof Array) {
 572        return splitReplace(value, regex, index);
 573      } else {
 574        let splits = value.split(regex);
 575        let building = [];
 576        if (splits.length === 1) {
 577          return [splits];
 578        }
 579        splits.map(function (splitValue, splitIndex) {
 580          building.push(splitValue);
 581          if (splitIndex !== splits.length-1) {
 582            building.push(index);
 583          }
 584        });
 585        return building;
 586      }
 587    });
 588  }
 590  // Short cut for booleans
 591  if (typeof value === "boolean") {
 592    return TypeConverter.valueToString(value);
 593  }
 595  // If the format matches the date format
 596  if (format.match(/^.*(d|D|M|m|yy|Y|HH|hh|h|s|S|AM|PM|am|pm|A\/P|\*).*$/g)) {
 597    // If the format contains both, throw error
 598    if (format.indexOf("#") > -1 || format.indexOf("0") > -1) {
 599      throw new ValueError("Invalid format pattern '" + format + "' for TEXT formula.");
 600    }
 601    let valueAsMoment;
 602    if (typeof value === "string") {
 603      valueAsMoment = TypeConverter.stringToMoment(value);
 604      if (valueAsMoment === undefined) {
 605        valueAsMoment = TypeConverter.decimalNumberToMoment(TypeConverter.valueToNumber(value));
 606      }
 607    } else {
 608      valueAsMoment = TypeConverter.decimalNumberToMoment(TypeConverter.valueToNumber(value));
 609    }
 610    let replacementPairs = [
 611      // full name of the day of the week
 612      [/dddd/gi, valueAsMoment.format("dddd")],
 613      // short name of the day of the week
 614      [/ddd/gi, valueAsMoment.format("ddd")],
 615      // day of the month as two digits
 616      [/dd/gi, valueAsMoment.format("DD")],
 617      // day of the month as one or two digits
 618      [/d/gi, valueAsMoment.format("d")],
 619      // first letter in the month of the year
 620      [/mmmmm/gi, valueAsMoment.format("MMMM").charAt(0)],
 621      // full name of the month of the year
 622      [/mmmm/gi, valueAsMoment.format("MMMM")],
 623      // short name of the month of the year
 624      [/mmm/gi, valueAsMoment.format("MMM")],
 625      // month of the year as two digits or the number of minutes in a time
 626      [/mm/gi, function (monthOrMinute : string) {
 627        return monthOrMinute === "month" ? valueAsMoment.format("MM") : valueAsMoment.format("mm");
 628      }],
 629      // month of the year as one or two digits or the number of minutes in a time
 630      [/m/g, function (monthOrMinute : string) {
 631        return monthOrMinute === "month" ? valueAsMoment.format("M") : valueAsMoment.format("m");
 632      }],
 633      // year as four digits
 634      [/yyyy/gi, valueAsMoment.format("YYYY")],
 635      // year as two digits
 636      [/yy/gi, valueAsMoment.format("YY")],
 637      // year as two digits
 638      [/y/gi, valueAsMoment.format("YY")],
 639      // hour on a 24-hour clock
 640      [/HH/g, valueAsMoment.format("HH")],
 641      // hour on a 12-hour clock
 642      [/hh/g, valueAsMoment.format("hh")],
 643      // hour on a 12-hour clock
 644      [/h/gi, valueAsMoment.format("hh")],
 645      // milliseconds in a time
 646      [/ss\.000/gi, valueAsMoment.format("ss.SSS")],
 647      // seconds in a time
 648      [/ss/gi, valueAsMoment.format("ss")],
 649      // seconds in a time
 650      [/s/gi, valueAsMoment.format("ss")],
 651      [/AM\/PM/gi, valueAsMoment.format("A")],
 652      // displaying hours based on a 12-hour clock and showing AM or PM depending on the time of day
 653      [/A\/P/gi, valueAsMoment.format("A").charAt(0)]
 654    ];
 656    let builtList = [format];
 657    replacementPairs.map(function (pair, pairIndex) {
 658      let regex = pair[0];
 659      builtList = splitReplace(builtList, regex, pairIndex);
 660    });
 661    let lastRegEx = "";
 662    return Filter.flatten(builtList).map(function (val) {
 663      if (typeof val === "number") {
 664        if (typeof replacementPairs[val][1] === "function") {
 665          let monthOrMinute = "month";
 666          // Hack-ish way of determining if MM, mm, M, or m should be evaluated as minute or month.
 667          let lastRegExWasHour = lastRegEx.toString() === new RegExp("hh", "g").toString()
 668              || lastRegEx.toString() === new RegExp("HH", "g").toString()
 669              || lastRegEx.toString() === new RegExp("h", "g").toString();
 670          if (lastRegExWasHour) {
 671            monthOrMinute = "minute";
 672          }
 673          lastRegEx = replacementPairs[val][0];
 674          return replacementPairs[val][1](monthOrMinute);
 675        }
 676        lastRegEx = replacementPairs[val][0];
 677        return replacementPairs[val][1];
 678      }
 679      return val;
 680    }).join("");
 683  } else {
 684    let numberValue = TypeConverter.valueToNumber(value);
 686    // Format string can't contain both 0 and #.
 687    if (format.indexOf("#") > -1 && format.indexOf("0") > -1) {
 688      throw new ValueError("Invalid format pattern '" + format + "' for TEXT formula.");
 689    }
 691    // See https://regex101.com/r/Jji2Ng/8 for more information.
 692    const POUND_SIGN_FORMAT_CAPTURE = /^([$%+-]*)([#,]+)?(\.?)([# ]*)([$%+ -]*)$/gi;
 694    let matches = POUND_SIGN_FORMAT_CAPTURE.exec(format);
 695    if (matches !== null) {
 696      let headSignsFormat = matches[1] || "";
 697      let wholeNumberFormat = matches[2] || "";
 698      let decimalNumberFormat = matches[4] || "";
 699      let tailingSignsFormat = matches[5] || "";
 700      let commafyNumber = wholeNumberFormat.indexOf(",") > -1;
 701      let builder = NumberStringBuilder.start()
 702        .number(numberValue)
 703        .commafy(commafyNumber)
 704        .integerZeros(1)
 705        .maximumDecimalPlaces(decimalNumberFormat.replace(/ /g, "").length)
 706        .head(headSignsFormat)
 707        .tail(tailingSignsFormat);
 708      return builder.build();
 709    }
 711    /*
 712    * See https://regex101.com/r/Pbx7js/6 for more information.
 713    * 1 = signs, currency, etc.
 714    * 2 = whole number including commas
 715    * 3 = decimal
 716    * 4 = decimal place including spaces
 717    * 5 = signs, currency, etc.
 718    * */
 719    const ZERO_FORMAT_CAPTURE = /^([$%+-]*)([0,]+)?(\.?)([0 ]*)([$%+ -]*)$/gi;
 720    matches = ZERO_FORMAT_CAPTURE.exec(format);
 721    if (matches !== null) {
 722      let headSignsFormat = matches[1] || "";
 723      let wholeNumberFormat = matches[2] || "";
 724      let decimalNumberFormat = matches[4] || "";
 725      let tailingSignsFormat = matches[5] || "";
 726      let commafyNumber = wholeNumberFormat.indexOf(",") > -1;
 727      let builder = NumberStringBuilder.start()
 728        .number(numberValue)
 729        .commafy(commafyNumber)
 730        .integerZeros(wholeNumberFormat.replace(/,/g, "").length)
 731        .decimalZeros(decimalNumberFormat.replace(/ /g, "").length)
 732        .head(headSignsFormat)
 733        .tail(tailingSignsFormat);
 734      return builder.build();
 735    }
 737    // If the format didn't match the patterns above, it is invalid.
 738    throw new ValueError("Invalid format pattern '" + format + "' for TEXT formula.");
 739  }
 743 * Looks for a string of text within another string. Where to begin the search can also be defined. The search term can
 744 * be a number or any string of characters. The search is case-sensitive.
 745 * @param searchFor - The text to be found.
 746 * @param searchIn - The text where the search takes place.
 747 * @param startAt - [OPTIONAL defaults to 1] - The position in the text from which the search starts.
 748 * @returns {number}
 749 * @constructor
 750 */
 751let FIND = function (searchFor, searchIn, startAt?) {
 752  ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 2, 3, "FIND");
 753  searchFor = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(searchFor);
 754  searchIn = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(searchIn);
 755  startAt = isUndefined(startAt) ? 1 : TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(startAt);
 756  if (startAt < 1) {
 757    throw new ValueError("FIND parameter 3 value is " + startAt + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
 758  }
 759  let index = searchIn.indexOf(searchFor, startAt - 1);
 760  if (index > -1) {
 761    return index + 1;
 762  }
 763  throw new ValueError("For FIND cannot find '" + searchFor + "' within '" + searchIn + "'.");
 767 * Concatenates the values of one or more arrays using a specified delimiter.
 768 * @param delimiter - The string to place between the values.
 769 * @param values - The values to be appended using the delimiter.
 770 * @returns {string}
 771 * @constructor
 772 */
 773let JOIN = function (delimiter, ...values) {
 774  ArgsChecker.checkAtLeastLength(arguments, 2, "JOIN");
 775  delimiter = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(delimiter);
 776  values = Filter.flattenAndThrow(values);
 777  return values.join(delimiter);
 781 * Returns the length of a string including spaces.
 782 * @param value - The text whose length is to be determined.
 783 * @constructor
 784 */
 785let LEN = function (value) {
 786  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "LEN");
 787  value = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(value);
 788  return value.length;
 792 * Returns the first character or characters in a text string.
 793 * @param text - The text where the initial partial words are to be determined.
 794 * @param numberOfCharacters [OPTIONAL] - The number of characters for the start text. If this parameter is not defined,
 795 * one character is returned.
 796 * @returns {string}
 797 * @constructor
 798 */
 799let LEFT = function (text, numberOfCharacters?) {
 800  ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "LEFT");
 801  text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
 802  numberOfCharacters = isUndefined(numberOfCharacters) ? 1 : TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(numberOfCharacters);
 803  if (numberOfCharacters < 0) {
 804    throw new ValueError("Formula LEFT parameter 2 value is " + numberOfCharacters
 805        + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
 806  }
 807  return text.substring(0, numberOfCharacters);
 811 * Defines the last character or characters in a text string.
 812 * @param text - The text where the initial partial words are to be determined.
 813 * @param numberOfCharacters [OPTIONAL] - The number of characters for the start text. If this parameter is not defined,
 814 * one character is returned.
 815 * @returns {string}
 816 * @constructor
 817 */
 818let RIGHT = function (text, numberOfCharacters?) {
 819  ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 1, 2, "RIGHT");
 820  text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
 821  numberOfCharacters = isUndefined(numberOfCharacters) ? 1 : TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(numberOfCharacters);
 822  if (numberOfCharacters < 0) {
 823    throw new ValueError("Formula RIGHT parameter 2 value is " + numberOfCharacters
 824      + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
 825  }
 826  return text.substring(text.length - numberOfCharacters);
 830 * Returns the position of a text segment within a character string. The start of the search can be set as an option.
 831 * The search text can be a number or any sequence of characters. The search is not case-sensitive.
 832 * @param findText - The text to be searched for.
 833 * @param withinText - The text where the search will take place
 834 * @param position - [OPTIONAL default 1] The position in the text where the search is to start.
 835 * @constructor
 836 */
 837let SEARCH = function (findText, withinText, position?) {
 838  ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 2, 3, "SEARCH");
 839  findText = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(findText);
 840  withinText = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(withinText);
 841  position = isUndefined(position) ? 0 : TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(position);
 842  if (position < 0) {
 843    throw new ValueError("Formula SEARCH parameter 3 value is " + position
 844        + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
 845  }
 846  let index = withinText.toLowerCase().indexOf(findText.toLowerCase(), position - 1);
 847  if (index > -1) {
 848    return index + 1;
 849  }
 850  throw new ValueError("For SEARCH evaluation, cannot find '" + findText + "' inside '" + withinText + "'");
 854 * Repeats a character string by the given number of copies.
 855 * @param text - The text to be repeated.
 856 * @param numberOfReps - The number of repetitions
 857 * @constructor
 858 */
 859let REPT = function (text, numberOfReps) {
 860  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 2, "REPT");
 861  text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
 862  numberOfReps = TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(numberOfReps);
 863  if (numberOfReps < 0) {
 864    throw new ValueError("Formula REPT parameter 2 value is " + numberOfReps
 865      + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
 866  }
 867  return new Array(numberOfReps + 1).join(text);
 871 * Converts a value into a number if possible.
 872 * @param value - The value to convert to a number.
 873 * @returns {number}
 874 * @constructor
 875 */
 876let VALUE = function (value) {
 877  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "VALUE");
 878  value = TypeConverter.firstValue(value);
 879  if (typeof value === "boolean") {
 880    throw new ValueError("VALUE parameter '" + value + "' cannot be parsed to number.");
 881  }
 882  return TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(value);
 886 * Removes all non-printing characters from the string.
 887 * @param text - The text from which to remove all non-printable characters.
 888 * @returns {string}
 889 * @constructor
 890 */
 891let CLEAN = function (text) {
 892  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "CLEAN");
 893  text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
 894  return text.replace(/[\0-\x1F]/g, "");
 898 * Returns a text segment of a character string. The parameters specify the starting position and the number of
 899 * characters.
 900 * @param text - The text containing the characters to extract.
 901 * @param start - The position of the first character in the text to extract.
 902 * @param number - The number of characters in the part of the text.
 903 * @returns {string}
 904 * @constructor
 905 */
 906let MID = function (text, start, number) {
 907  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 3, "MID");
 908  text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
 909  start = TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(start);
 910  number = TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(number);
 911  if (number === 0) {
 912    return "";
 913  }
 914  if (number < 0) {
 915    throw new ValueError("MID parameter 3 value is " + number + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
 916  }
 917  if (start < 1) {
 918    throw new NumError("Function MID parameter 2 value is " + start + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
 919  }
 920  return text.substring(start - 1, start + number - 1);
 924let PROPER = function (text) {
 925  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 1, "PROPER");
 926  text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
 927  return text.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt) {
 928    return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();
 929  });
 934 * Replaces part of a text string with a different text string. This function can be used to replace both characters and
 935 * numbers (which are automatically converted to text). The result of the function is always displayed as text.
 936 * @param text - The text of which a part will be replaced.
 937 * @param position - The position within the text where the replacement will begin.
 938 * @param length - The number of characters in text to be replaced.
 939 * @param newText - The text which replaces text.
 940 * @constructor
 941 */
 942let REPLACE = function (text, position, length, newText) {
 943  ArgsChecker.checkLength(arguments, 4, "REPLACE");
 944  text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
 945  position = TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(position);
 946  if (position < 1) {
 947    throw new ValueError("Function REPLACE parameter 2 value is " + position
 948        + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
 949  }
 950  length = TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(length);
 951  if (length < 0) {
 952    throw new ValueError("Function REPLACE parameter 3 value is " + length
 953      + ", but should be greater than or equal to 1.");
 954  }
 955  newText = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(newText);
 956  return text.substr(0, position - 1) + newText + text.substr(position - 1 + length);
 961 * Substitutes new text for old text in a string.
 962 * @param text - The text in which text segments are to be exchanged.
 963 * @param searchFor - The text segment that is to be replaced (a number of times)
 964 * @param replaceWith - The text that is to replace the text segment.
 965 * @param occurrence - [OPTIONAL] - Indicates how many occurrences of the search text are to be replaced. If this
 966 * parameter is missing, the search text is replaced throughout.
 967 * @returns {string}
 968 * @constructor
 969 */
 970let SUBSTITUTE = function (text, searchFor, replaceWith, occurrence?) {
 971  ArgsChecker.checkLengthWithin(arguments, 3, 4, "SUBSTITUTE");
 972  text = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(text);
 973  searchFor = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(searchFor);
 974  replaceWith = TypeConverter.firstValueAsString(replaceWith);
 976  if (isUndefined(occurrence)) {
 977    return text.replace(new RegExp(searchFor, 'g'), replaceWith);
 978  }
 979  occurrence = TypeConverter.firstValueAsNumber(occurrence);
 980  if (occurrence < 0) {
 981    throw new ValueError("Function SUBSTITUTE parameter 4 value is " + occurrence
 982        + ", but should be greater than or equal to 0.");
 983  }
 984  let index = 0;
 985  let i = 0;
 986  while (text.indexOf(searchFor, index) > -1) {
 987    index = text.indexOf(searchFor, index);
 988    i++;
 989    if (i === occurrence) {
 990      return text.substring(0, index) + replaceWith + text.substring(index + searchFor.length);
 991    }
 992  }
 993  return text;
 996export {
 997  ARABIC,
 998  CHAR,
 999  CODE,
1000  SPLIT,
1002  CONVERT,
1003  TRIM,
1004  LOWER,
1005  UPPER,
1006  T,
1007  ROMAN,
1008  TEXT,
1009  FIND,
1010  JOIN,
1011  LEN,
1012  LEFT,
1013  RIGHT,
1014  SEARCH,
1015  REPT,
1016  VALUE,
1017  CLEAN,
1018  MID,
1019  PROPER,
1020  REPLACE,