ARCHIVED - repo for blog post http://www.vogt.world/writing/procedural-terrain-generation/
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Log | Files | README.md
← Commit log
Improving explaination
Ben Vogt <[email protected]>
2016-05-14 03:27:17
1 file(s) changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 1diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
 2index 10b0a20..41e4c81 100644
 3--- a/index.html
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 6     <div class="container">
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 8         <h1>Terrain Maps</h1>
 9-        <h4>Generating terrain maps using Diamon-Square, smoothing, and erosion algorithms.</h4>
10-        <p>I've been messing around with different terrain smoothing algorithms to run on Diamond-Square-generated maps. I'm putting them here to so I remember them and write them out a little more clearly.</p>
11-        <p><strong>NOTE: Some of these take upwards of 45 seconds to generate on a computer with a solid processor. Your milage may vary.</strong></p>
12+        <h4>Generating terrain maps using Diamond-Square, smoothing, and erosion algorithms.</h4>
13+        <p>I've been messing around with different terrain smoothing algorithms to run on Diamond-Square-generated maps. I'm putting them here to so I remember them and write them out a little more clearly. All maps use the Diamond-Square algorithm
14+          to begin with. After than, some use smoothing passes, which essentially involves iterating over every point and setting it to be the average of all neighboring points within an X radius. Others involve erosion algorithms.</p>
15+        <p>All maps are rendered with heighest points in white, lowest in black. Values are relative to minimum and maxmimum values, meaning that if a map was generated with a single point that is 100, and all others being around 5, it's going to
16+          look pretty dark.</p>
17+        <p><strong>NOTE: Some of these map sets take upwards of 45 seconds to generate on a computer with a solid processor. Your milage may vary.</strong></p>
18       </div>
19     </div>
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