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name: index.html
  1<html lang="en">
  2  <head>
  3    <title>Terrain Maps</title>
  4    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
  5    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.3.min.js"></script>
  6    <script type="text/javascript" src="landmap.js"></script>
  7    <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
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 14          <h1>Procedural Terrain Generation</h1>
 15          <h4>Generating and manipulating Diamond-Square maps.</h4>
 16          <p>A while ago I started reading about procedural map generation, and I started working with the Diamond Square Algoirthm. Shortly after getting a demo working I found that while the terrain being generated by the DS algorithm was interesting, it was more fun to play with different ways of manipulating the DS map. This page is a collection of terrain manipulation algorithms that I've implimented in Javascript. Each demonstration shows the initial Diamond Square map, as well as the algorithms applied to it.</p>
 17          <p>I've also experimented with ways to combine and overlap maps so that the resulting map has different types of toplogies in different areas of the map.</p>
 18          <p>To avoid freezing up with page with a lot of Javascript, each time you click "Generate" a web-worker is spun off to handle the processing required to generate, manipulate, and render a map. While this allows you to scroll and interact with the page, it should be noted that some of the demos take close to a minute to generate, and that's on a computer with a solid processor. Your milage may vary.</p>
 19          <p>
 20            <strong>Notes about demos</strong>
 21            <ul>
 22              <li>Maps are 256x256.</li>
 23              <li>All maps are rendered first in <code>canvas</code> elements, and then converted to images, to allow for responsive placement. (Also, it allows me to screenshot them more easily by just dragging the image out of the browser.)</li>
 24              <li></li>
 25            </ul>
 26          </p>
 27        </div>
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 31          <div class="row">
 32            <h2>Standard Diamond-Square Algorithm</h2>
 33            <p>
 34              Diamon-Square with several different deviation parameters.
 35              <button class="run button-primary" id="standard">GENERATE</button>
 36            </p>
 37          </div>
 38          <div class="set" id="container-standard"></div>
 39        </div>
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 41        <div>
 42          <hr>
 43          <div class="row">
 44            <h2>Diamond-Square Algorithm with Smoothing Pass</h2>
 45            <p>
 46              Diamon-Square smoothed with average of neighbors in 10 point radius, and 20 point radius.
 47              <button class="run button-primary" id="smoothed">GENERATE</button>
 48            </p>
 49          </div>
 50          <div class="set" id="container-smoothed"></div>
 51          <hr>
 52        </div>
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 54        <div>
 55          <div class="row">
 56            <h2>Combining Diamond-Square Maps</h2>
 57            <p>
 58              Combining a DS, DS smoothed (10), and DS smoothed (20) maps. This is done by generating <code>standard</code>, then <code>standard-two</code>, a completely different map. Then using each of these to generate a smoothed version of themselves. Then
 59              we can combine standard with <code>standard-10</code>, using <code>standard-two-20</code> as the map controlling which parts of the map are used for the result. For example the higher the value of a given point on <code>standard-two-20</code>, the
 60              stronger the value taken from <code>standard</code> and assigned to the resulting map. The lower the value of a given point on <code>standard-two-20</code>, the stronger the value taken from <code>standard-10</code> and assigned to the resulting
 61              map.
 62            </p>
 63            <p>
 64              This allows us to generate a map that has terrain that is smooth in some parts, and rugged in other parts.
 65              <br>The final <code>reverse</code> map, is with the <code>standard</code> and <code>standard-10</code> maps swapped, so the smooth and rugged values are reversed.
 66              <button class="run button-primary" id="combined">GENERATE</button>
 67            </p>
 68          </div>
 69          <div class="set" id="container-combined"></div>
 70          <hr>
 71        </div>
 72        <!-- section -->
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 74          <div class="row">
 75            <h2>Greedy Raindrop Erosion Algorithm</h2>
 76            <p>
 77              For each point on the map, steal a certain percentage off the tallest neighbor. Results in blochy, plateau-like formations.
 78              <button class="run button-primary" id="grd">GENERATE</button>
 79            </p>
 80          </div>
 81          <div class="set" id="container-grd"></div>
 82          <hr>
 83        </div>
 84        <!-- section -->
 85        <div>
 86          <div class="row">
 87            <h2>Simple Erosion Algorithm</h2>
 88            <p>
 89              Randomly place a "droplet" of water on the map. For a number of iterations, let the droplet roll to it's nearest neighbor, eroding it's current point on the map if the droplet has not reached it carrying-capacity of sediment. If it has reached
 90              it's carrying capacity, deposit sediment on that point. Repeat this process with many more droplets.
 91              <button class="run button-primary" id="simpleErosion">GENERATE</button>
 92            </p>
 93          </div>
 94          <div class="set" id="container-simpleErosion"></div>
 95          <hr>
 96        </div>
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 99          <div class="row">
100            <h2>Complex Erosion Algorithm</h2>
101            <p>
102              Like <em>Simple Erosion Algorithm</em> but it uses velocity (with a minimum velocity ensure), slope (with a minimum slope ensured as well) to calculate carring capacity and depositing.
103              <button class="run button-primary" id="complexErosion">GENERATE</button>
104            </p>
105          </div>
106          <div class="set" id="container-complexErosion"></div>
107          <hr>
108        </div>
109        <!-- section -->
110        <div>
111          <div class="row">
112            <h2>Varous Maps</h2>
113            <br>
114            <h4>Smoothing, Greedy Raindrop, and Complex Erosion</h4>
115            <p>
116              Smoothing, Greedy Raindrop, and Complex Erosion algorithms applied to the same DS map.
117              <button class="run button-primary" id="sample">GENERATE</button>
118            </p>
119          </div>
120          <div class="set" id="container-sample"></div>
121          <br>
122          <div class="row">
123            <h4>Combining Smooth, and Complex Erosion Maps</h4>
124            <p>
125              Combining smoothed map <code>p2</code> with an eroded map <code>p3</code>, by a third, unrelated smooth map <code>m2</code> to result in <code>c1 from (p3,p2,m2)</code>.
126              Also generating <code>c2 from (p2,p3,m2)</code> by swapping first two maps.
127              <button class="run button-primary" id="many">GENERATE</button>
128            </p>
129          </div>
130          <div class="set" id="container-many"></div>
131          <br>
132          <div class="row">
133            <h4>Smoothing a Complex Erosion Map</h4>
134            <p>
135              Eroding a map with Complex Erosion Algorithm before applying smoothing. <code>regular -> complexErosion -> smooth</code>
136              <button class="run button-primary" id="smooth-complex-erosion">GENERATE</button>
137            </p>
138          </div>
139          <div class="set" id="container-smooth-complex-erosion"></div>
140          <br>
141          <div class="row">
142            <h4>Smoothing a Simple Erosion Map</h4>
143            <p>
144              Eroding a map with Simple Erosion Algorithm before applying smoothing. <code>regular -> simpleErosion -> smooth</code>
145              <button class="run button-primary" id="smooth-simple-erosion">GENERATE</button>
146            </p>
147          </div>
148          <div class="set" id="container-smooth-simple-erosion"></div>
149          <hr>
150        </div>
151      </div>
152    </div>
153    <!-- hidden canvas for rendering-->
154    <canvas class="hidden" id="tmp" width="256" height="256"></canvas>
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